Page 8 - Horizon 18-19
P. 8
I’ve Done All I Can
I’ve done all I can. There’s nothing more I can do. I’m talking to a brick wall, but the wall is only brick to me. To others, the wall becomes a chatterbox.
I’ve done all I can. There’s nothing more I can do. You pretend to be a friend. A nice, supportive friend. I did not expect this from you.
I’ve done all I can. There’s nothing more I can do. I just want to talk. I just want everything to be fixed, but I can’t do that if one of us is refusing to admit to what was said.
I’ve done all I can. There’s nothing more I can do. The rest is on you. If you want to keep playing these games, be my guest. I will leave. I’ll pack my stuff up and go. I’ll do it right now.
I’ve done all I can. There’s nothing more I can do. The pain you cause keeps me from sleeping. I sit alone at night and cry because I do not know what to do, when in reality the rest is up to you.
I’ve done all I can. There’s nothing more I can do.
Alex Koler 19
Photo Journal
Picture of a man walking next to a wall, and on the wall is a shadow.
Imagination follows you throughout the realities of life. It’s always there, whether it’s lurking in the shadows of your mind, or right there, next to you. Throughout life, I’ve walked many miles; whether it was because I was bored or I just needed time to think. I would see someone walking opposite to me and create their life story. I’d imagine where they were going, how they would get there, where they came from, why they left. I would also imagine myself years from where I was. I’d create crazy dreams for myself I one day wished to achieve. Of course, these were only crazy dreams. I’ve been doing that since I was a kid. Now look at me. Thirty years old, and nothing has changed. I still walk and create crazy, impossible dreams and stories.
Maybe they’re not impossible. Maybe it’s time I stop dreaming and wake up; wake up and see for myself.
Chloe Amoroso '20