Page 9 - Horizon 18-19
P. 9
Three Words
Three words can heal a wound Three words can change a view Love
Three words can be abused Three words must not be used You
John Dailey '20
The Woes of a Broken Calculator
I was made for math
Not english or science
I cannot spell or wonder
But with math I should not blunder
I was made for math
Not for spanish or history
I cannot translate or reflect
But equations should just connect
I was made for math
I should be able to multiply and divide Square roots should be easy
And pie should be a piece of cake
I exist to do math
But lately I simply radican’t
John Dailey '20
The Mind of Modern Art
I am made from oils and paints Framed for all to see
Never bound by high art restraints I hope you will not think less of me
My style is that of a child’s hand But the talent I hold is real
I offer all inspiration I can
By what my mistress’ face conceals
DIfferent art, I am misjudged and scorned But to a student’s paper and pen
A new work of art can be born
I may not be high art, but I will never end
Tabitha Fritch '20
The Argument:
“Finish what you’re doing, we have to talk”; Major Rob.
“Yes sir, what’s the occasion?”; Private Johnson.
“Quit being smart with me Private and just do as I say.”; Major Rob. “Sorry sir, I’ll meet you in the conference room soon.”; Private Johnson.
“Alright Private Johnson, at exactly 1400 hours the Japanese massacred Pearl Harbor. Casualties were high and among them was your superior officer, Captain Jacobson.”; Major Rob.
“So what happens now?”; Private Johnson.
“Well for starters you're being promoted.”; Major Rob “What?!”; Private Johnson.
“Yep, someone's gotta fill the role, and we've got no other replacement.”; Major Rob.
“But, I’m not qualified sir, this isn't right!”; Private Johnson.
Paul Weber '19