Page 23 - Padua_ParentTeacherHandbook2019-20
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Facilities Students are allowed the use of the gym, wrestling or weight rooms only if a member of the faculty or coach is present in the room the entire time the students are using the facilities. Students playing anywhere on the gym floor must wear tennis shoes. Padua students, with the permission of the Athletic Director, may use the athletic fields. Equipment Each player is personally responsible for all equipment issued to him/her. This equipment is to be handled with proper care. Damaged equipment should be reported immediately to the head coach. All equipment issued must be returned promptly at the end of the season. A player failing to do this will not be issued any awards or letters until the equipment is returned. An athlete from any Padua athletic team who steals, destroys, or intentionally damages property or equipment at Padua, home, or another school’s facility may be immediately dismissed from the team. Intramurals Padua offers intramural programs in a variety of sports and activities. Students are encouraged to sign up either as a player or a captain. Fun and good sportsmanship are the two main goals stressed in this program. All participants must have intramural permission/medical form signed and returned before participation will be permitted. Locker Rooms The entrance to the boys' locker room is located at the northwest corner of the gymnasium wing; this locker room may be entered through the gymnasium or directly from the parking lot. The entrance to the girls' locker room is located in the basement corridor east of the kitchen; this locker room may be entered from the northeast end of the cafeteria (or gymnasium) or from the east parking lot. Students are not permitted in the locker room without supervision before school or during lunch. At other times students may use the locker room only under the supervision of a teacher or a coach. (See also DISCIPLINE: Off-Limit Areas, p. 32) Students are not assigned permanent gym lockers but are required to bring their gym equipment with them on the days they have a Physical Education class. Students must also bring with them on these days a lock which they have purchased from the Bruin Shop. This should be kept with the student's gym equipment when not in use. During Physical Education classes personal belongings must be securely locked in a locker. The school is not responsible for theft or loss. No physical education equipment is to be left overnight in the locker room. During Physical Education classes all students must wear an official P.E. uniform available for purchase in the Bruin Shop. Athletic Team Fee All students who participate on the interscholastic athletic teams will be charged a normal team fee according to the following tier schedule. There is no maximum or family cap for the athletic team fees. Our business office will send out invoices to the families of student-athletes around the 1st week of regular season contests. We ask that families settle all athletic fees by the end of the individual sport season. For any student participating in 3 sport seasons, the student will receive credit for the lowest athletic team fee during that school year. Please contact the Business office with any hardships paying the Athletic Team Fee. Tier 1 sports: $350 Football Ice Hockey 16