Page 12 - Oyindamola Ojo Documents
P. 12

About me

             Hi, my name is Pastor Oyin, thank you for taking time to read

           this piece that I have put together. Growing up. I used to follow

             my parents to church. I used to fight, get myself in the wrong

             groups until a friend of mine was killed. This brought me to a

                           dark place because it could have been me.

           I began to search for the truth, thought if I became serious and

            go to university, all will be well. Even though I got good grades

             from university, I ended up mixed with a different group that

            took drugs and slept around with men. I ended up depressed

           and lonely and I found myself still searching, but one day In my

            room i saw an old bible my mum gave me when i was coming

             to university and i decided to read the book of John. This day

           was In 2013, I called that the day i was fulfilled, I saw myself for

             who I really am and found peace. I recognised that someone

            loved me more than I love myself. since this day, I have never

             looked back. The Lord has given me grace and helped me in

                                         the journey of the ministry.


                  I hope you were blessed, Easter is my favourite holiday

               because of the significance it holds for me. It is the day we

             remember the rising of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It’s

             the day he triumphed over the grave, saved us from our sins

              and gave meaning to our world. Without his rising from the

              grave, everything else would be meaningless. He triumphed

             over death and gave us life! To celebrate the day, I thought I

             would share some quotes about Easter and the resurrection

            to help make us think as we celebrate with family and friends.
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