Page 14 - Way of Life Encyclopedia of the Bible Christianity. Based on the King James Bible
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               His bride. (10) Adam’s  wife was deceived into  sin (1 Ti.   zeal of these Christian people to the Lord’s  service was
               2:14). Likewise, Christ’s  bride has a deceitful heart (Je.   like an addiction.
               17:9).  (11)  Adam  evidently  sinned  deliberately,   ADIEL (ornament of God). 1 Ch. 4:36; 9:12; 27:25.
               according to the  implication  in  I  Timothy  2:14. Christ   ADIN (soft, tender). Ezr. 2:15.
               deliberately  took  upon  Himself  our  sins  (1  Pe.  2:24).
               (12)  It  was  because  of  the  woman  that  Adam sinned   ADINA (pleasure, delight). 1 Ch. 11:42.
               (Ge. 3:6). It was because of us  that Christ became sin (2   ADINO (slender, a spear). 2 Sa. 23:8.
               Co. 5:21). (13) Adam’s  sin brought sorrow to him (Ge.   ADITHAIM (God the ornament). Jos. 15:36.
               3:17). Because He took  our  sins, Christ  was a man of   ADJURE. Solemnly  entreat or  beseech (Jos. 6:26; 1
               sorrows  (Is.  53:3).  (14)  Adam’s   sins  resulted  in   Ki. 22:16; Mt. 26:63; Ac. 19:13).
               separation  from  God  (Ge. 3:23-24). When  He became   ADLAI (God’s justice). 1 Ch. 27:29.
               sin for  us, there was a separation between the Son and   ADMAH (red  earth). A city  destroyed together  with
               the Father (Mt. 27:46). (15) Adam’s  name was  given to   Sodom and  Gomorrah  (Ge. 10:19; 14:2, 8; 19:25-29;
               his  wife (Ge. 5:2), so, Christ’s name has been given to   Ho. 11:8; De. 29:22).
               us (1  Pe. 4:16). (16) Adam’s likeness  was  imparted to
               his  son  (Ge.  5:30); so, believers  will  be conformed  to   ADMIRATION. (1) Esteem; veneration (Jude 16). (2)
               the image of Christ (Ro. 8:29).                   Surprise; wonder (Re. 17:6).
                  The  Contrasts  between  Adam  and  Christ:  (1)  Adam   ADMONISH. To put in mind; to caution; to reprove
               had the image of God (Ge. 1:26-27), but all the fullness   gently;  to warn  or  notify  of a fault; to counsel against
               of the Godhead dwelled in Christ, bodily (Col. 2:9). (2)   wrong practices; to  advise; to instruct (Ec. 4:13; 12:12;
               Adam  came  to a  paradise,  an  earth  without  sin  (Ge.   Je. 42:19; Ac. 27:9; Ro. 15:14; 1 Co. 10:11; 1 Th. 5:12;
               2:8).  Christ  came  to  an  exceedingly  sinful  earth.  (3)   2  Th.  3:15;  He.  8:5).  [See  Chasten,  Convince,
               While  Adam  was  asleep,  his   bride  was   formed  (Ge.   Correction, Counsel, Exhort, Guidance, Instruct, Rebuke,
               2:21-22). The Lamb’s bride  was  formed  by  His death   Reproof.]
               (Ep. 5:25). (4) After  his  sin, Adam hid  from God (Ge.   ADNA (pleasure). Ne. 12:15; Ezr. 10:30.
               3:8). After  He became sin, Christ presented Himself to   ADNAH (pleasure). 1 Ch. 12:20; 2 Ch. 17:14.
               God  (He.  9:12-14). (5) Adam  blamed  Eve  for  his sin   ADO. Trouble; bustle; concern (Mk. 5:39).
               (Ge. 3:12), but Christ his own self took our sins upon his   ADONAI (lord). [See God.]
               body on the cross  (1 Pe. 2:24). (6) Adam’s sin brought a
               curse to the ground (Ge. 3:17). Christ’s  sacrifice for sin   ADONIBEZEK (the lord of the dispersion). Jud. 1:5.
               made it  possible for  the curse to be removed (Is. 35).   ADONIJAH  (Jehovah  my  Lord).  The fourth  son  of
               (7)  An  innocent  animal  had  to  be  slain  for  Adam   King David (2 Sa. 3:2-4). He tried unsuccessfully to take
               (implied  in  the  coats  of  skins,  Ge.  3:21),  but  Christ   away David’s throne (1 Ki. 1-2).
               became the innocent  Lamb  of God for us  (2  Co. 5:21).   ADONIKAM  (the  Lord  arises).  Ezr.  2:13;  8:13;  Ne.
               (8) Adam’s life ended (Ge. 5:5), but Christ lives  forever   7:18.
               (Re. 1:18). [For a study on the inspiration of the book of   ADONIRAM (the Lord is  exalted). 2 Sa. 20:24; 2 Ch.
               Genesis, see Inspiration.] [See Apostasy, Apostate, Bible,   10:18; 1 Ki. 4:6,12-18.
               Evolution, Heresy, Inspiration, Jonah, Modernism, New   ADONIZEDEK  (lord of righteousness). Jos. 10:1-27.
               Evangelicalism, Separation, Timothy.]               ADOPTION.  The  N.T.  word  means  placed  into  a
                  ADAMAH (red earth, bloody). Jos. 19:36.        family  as  a  son.  It  refers to  a  rich  man  choosing  an
                  ADAMANT. Very hard stone (Eze. 3:9; Ze. 7:12).   orphan and  making him a legal son and  heir  with  the
                  ADAMI (high, eminent). Es. 3:7.                full privileges  of  such.  This word  is used  to  describe
                  ADAR  (high, eminent, power).  The  12th  month  of   salvation  in Christ  (Ro. 8:15, 23; Ga. 4:5; Ep. 1:5). It
               the Hebrew  sacred  calendar, corresponding to parts of   also  is  used to  refer  to Israel’s  special relationship as  a
               February  and  March  (Es.  3:7).  The  spring  season   nation  with  God  (Ro.  9:4;  Ex. 4:12).  In  reference  to
               (Potts). [See Calendar.]                          Christians, adoption is  a present possession, as well as  a
                  ADDER. A deadly venomous  snake with two horns. It   future  hope.  In  other  words,  though  Christians  are
               hides in the sand which  it resembles in  color  and thus   adopted sons of God already (Jn. 1:12; 1 Jn. 3:1-2), we
               escapes   detection  (Ge.  49:17;  Ps.  58:4-5;  91:13;  Pr.   do not  yet enjoy  all the blessings  of  being children of
               23:32; Is. 59:5) (Analytical). [See Dragon, Serpent.]   God. Not until the resurrection  will we enjoy our  new
                                                                 bodies  and  the full riches of  the  Father’s kingdom. In
                  ADDI (held up by God, adorned). Lk. 3:28.      this  sense we look forward to  the adoption as  our hope
                  ADDICTED THEMSELVES. Devoted themselves; gave   (Ro. 8:23). [See Hope, Justification, Resurrection.]
               themselves  to  completely  (1 Co. 16:15). The dedicated   ADORAIM (a firm habitation). 2 Ch. 11:9.

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