Page 17 - The White Throne Judgment
P. 17
My Lord is writing,
My Lord is writing,
My Lord is writing all the time....
And Pilate answered and said, “What I have written, I have written.”
And even Rudyard Kipling’s Omar Kyam had some truth in it, even though
it was written by an old, drunken infidel:
“The moving hand having writ moves on,
And all thy power and all thy wit
Can not erase a half a line of it.”
Young people, since you got up this morning you have been writing,
and I wonder what your letter looks like. What does it look like?
There was a time on earth,
When in the book of heaven
An old account was standing
For sins yet unforgiven;
My name was at the top,
And many things below,
I went unto the keeper,
And settled long ago.
The old account was large,
And growing every day,
For I was always sinning,
And never tried to pay;
But when I looked ahead,
And saw such pain and woe,
I said that I would settle,
I settled long ago.
Long ago, long ago,
Yes, the old account was settled long ago;
And the record’s clear today,