Page 24 - SoulWinning Crash Course
P. 24
APPLY TO THEM. If they don't really believe they're IN DANGER of
eternal damnation, then they can't trust Jesus to save them from it. They
must know that they're sins must be gotten rid of, because the consequence
of sin is hell.
A quick way to prove that is comparing the 1st half of Romans 6:23 ("For
the wages of sin is death...") with a verse that calls the lake of fire "the
second death." Revelation 21:8 is a very good verse to use, because almost
everyone will admit to being a liar: "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and
the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and
idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth
with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."
THAT is the most critical turning point of the presentation. If the lost person
doesn't really believe he's on his way to hell, nothing else you say matters,
and it is usually pointless to continue. See if he will acknowledge that he is
currently headed for hell. Ask him where he'd go if he died right now. If he
believes he's hell-bound, he may or may not show visible signs of fear, but
he should at least seem like he's actually interested in hearing the solution
and not fidgeting to get away or "wrap up the conversation." Learn to read
people's body language. If it becomes obvious that they're just being polite
but don't care about or believe what you're saying, save your time and
politely leave them a tract and move on to the next house. If the lost person
surely knows he's a hell-bound sinner, introduce the SOLUTION - The Lord
Jesus Christ.
It is a neglected point that Jesus is SINLESS. I've met a surprising number
of lost people who don't know that, and they must know it, for a "Christ"
who is a sinner is a false Christ.
In Matthew 27:38-44, both of the thieves crucified with Jesus spoke against
Him, but in Luke 23:39-43 we see that one of the thieves changed his mind,
realizing his own guilt in CONTRAST to Jesus' complete innocence, with
the implication that He really was the "Lord" after all, and hence had saving
power. This realization compelled him to "call upon" Jesus in verse 42, and
thus he was saved.