Page 137 - Daniel
P. 137

                             Belshazzar’s Feast and the Fall of Babylon

                       hanks to the Babylonian Chronicle, the date of Belshazzar’s feast
                  Tcan be determined with a high degree of precision. The Chronicle
               states  that  on  the  sixteenth  day  of  the  month  Tishri  in  Nabonidus’s
               seventeenth  year  (Saturday,  October  12,  539  B.C.)  “the  army  of  Cyrus

               entered  Babylon  without  a  battle.”   Herodotus  notes  that  Babylon  fell
               during  a  time  of  “festival”  or  celebration  (Herodotus,  Histories  1.191).
               This corresponds closely to Daniel’s description of the fall happening the
               night Nabonidus held a “great feast for a thousand of his lords” (Dan.

                  The identification of Belshazzar as “king” (5:1) was thought by some
               past scholars to be a clear example of historical error since the final king
               of Babylon was Nabonidus. Herodotus never mentioned Belshazzar as a

               ruler in Babylon, identifying instead Labynetus (i.e., Nabonidus) as the
               king  when  the  city  fell  to  Cyrus  (Herodotus,  Histories  1.77).  Josephus,
               reflecting  the  understanding  of  his  day,  tried  to  solve  the  apparent
               problem by identifying Nabonidus and Belshazzar as two names for the
               same  individual.  “And  when  he  was  dead,  [the  kingdom]  came  to
               Baltasar,  who  by  the  Babylonians  was  called  Naboandelus”  (Josephus,
               Antiquities 10.11.2).

                  Archeological discoveries over the past century have helped clarify the
               alleged discrepancy and attest to the historicity, as well as the antiquity,

               of the book of Daniel. The discovery of the Babylonian Chronicle finally
               resolved  the  apparent  problem.  Nabonidus  was  an  absent  king  who
               abandoned the city of Babylon and its religious festivals and left his son,
               Belshazzar,  to  rule  in  his  place  as  crown  prince.  This  continued  for  at
               least five years—from the seventh through eleventh years of Nabonidus’s
               reign—and  probably  longer.   Texts  have  been  uncovered  that  elevate
               Belshazzar to the functional role of king during the long absence of his

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