Page 177 - Daniel
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historical world-kingdoms which are represented by Nebuchadnezzar’s
                  image (ch. 2), and by Daniel’s vision of four beasts rising up out of the
                  sea? Almost all interpreters understand that these two visions are to be
                  interpreted in the same way. “The four kingdoms or dynasties, which

                  are symbolized (ch. 2) by the different parts of the human image, from
                  the head to the feet, are the same as those which were symbolized by
                  the four great beasts rising up out of the sea.”           3

                  Keil noted also that the commonly accepted view in the church was
               that  these  four  kingdoms  were  Babylon,  Medo-Persia,  Greece,  and
               Rome.   But  when  faith  in  the  supernatural  origin  and  character  of
               biblical prophecy was shaken in later centuries, the authenticity of the
               book of Daniel was rejected, and the identity of the fourth kingdom as

               the Roman world-monarchy was denied.
                  Conservative scholarship has solid reasons for interpreting the fourth
               kingdom as Rome. Porphyry, the third-century A.D. pagan antagonist of

               Christianity  who  invented  the  idea  of  a  pseudo-Daniel  writing  in  the
               second  century  B.C.,  did  not  find  Christian  support  until  the  rise  of
               modern  higher  criticism.  The  whole  attempt,  therefore,  to  make  the
               book  of  Daniel  history  instead  of  prophecy  has  been  considered

               untenable  by  orthodoxy.  With  it,  the  view  that  the  fourth  kingdom  is
               Greece and not Rome has also been rejected by conservative scholars as
               unsupported  by  the  book  of  Daniel  and  contradicted  by  the  New
               Testament as well as historic fulfillment.

                  In  Matthew  24:15  Christ  Himself  presented  the  abomination  of
               desolation predicted in Daniel 9:27 and 12:11 as being future, not past.
               Prophecies in the book of Revelation written late in the first century also
               anticipate as future the fulfillment of parallel prophecies in Daniel. For
               example,  Revelation  13  parallels  the  final  stage  of  Daniel’s  fourth

               empire. This could not, therefore, refer to events fulfilled in the second
               century  B.C. Daniel 9:26 announces that the Messiah will be cut off and
               the  city  of  Jerusalem  destroyed—events  that  occurred  in  the  Roman
               period.  The  Jewish  historian  Josephus  believed  that  Daniel  had
               predicted the rise of Rome, and the Roman destruction of Jerusalem (cf.
               Dan.  9:26).  “in  the  same  manner  Daniel  also  wrote  concerning  the

               Roman government, and that our country should be made desolate by
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