Page 186 - Daniel
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7:5 “And behold, another beast, a second one, like a bear. It was
                  raised up on one side. It had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth;
                  and it was told, ‘Arise, devour much flesh.’”

                  In  contrast  to  the  unanimity  of  identifying  the  first  beast  with
               Babylon,  there  is  a  diversity  of  interpretation  concerning  the  second
               beast’s  identity.  Practically  all  liberal  higher  critics  identify  it  as  the

               Median  Empire.  Rowley  cites  almost  overwhelming  support  for  this
               identification which, according to him, “is found in the Peshitta version
               of the book of Daniel, in Ephraem Syrus and in Cosmas indicopleustes. It
               also stands in the anonymous commentator whose work is published in
               Mai’s  Scriptorum  Veterum  Nova  Collection  Rowley  notes  that  this  long-
               forgotten  theory  was  revived  in  the  eighteenth  century,  and  cites  an

               imposing group of modern scholars who hold it.                22
                  Although conservative scholars might be outnumbered, it is significant
               that  most  who  attribute  accuracy  to  the  book  of  Daniel  regard  the

               second  kingdom  as  Medo-Persia.  The  central  issue  is  that  there  was
               never a time when the Median Empire ruled over the Ancient Near East
               as a single, dominant power. Herodotus reports that Cyrus conquered the
               Medes  (Histories  1.130)  and  then  this  combined  empire  conquered
               Babylon  (Histories  1.191).  Since  the  Median  Empire  had  already  been
               conquered and subsumed by the Persians, it is impossible for a separate

               Median empire to exist after the Babylonian empire. Even Rowley admits
               that  his  view  hangs  upon  the  identification  of  the  fourth  empire  as
               Greece,  which,  as  already  has  been  stated,  depends  first  on  the
               conclusion that Daniel is a forgery, and second on the assumption that
               prophecy cannot be accurately given in detail concerning future events.

                  The identification of the second kingdom as the Medo-Persian Empire,
               which even Rowley recognizes as “the traditional identification,” is ably
               supported  by  one  of  the  greatest  Old  Testament  scholars  of  modern
               times,  Robert  Dick  Wilson.  His  entire  work  on  Studies  in  the  Book  of

               Daniel methodically devastates the liberal point of view.               23
                  Also  telling  is  the  fact  that  archeological  discoveries  have  proved
               beyond  question  that  the  second  empire  was  in  fact  Medo-Persia.  The
               Persian ruler Cyrus conquered Babylon in less than a month—not nearly

               enough time for a distinct Median empire to appear—and the myth of a
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