Page 247 - Daniel
P. 247

first year of his reign, I, Daniel, perceived in the books the number of
                  years that, according to the word of the LORD to Jeremiah the prophet,
                  must pass before the end of the desolations of Jerusalem, namely,

                  seventy years.

                  Daniel received this vision “in the first year of Darius,” which means

               the  events  of  Belshazzar’s  feast  in  chapter  5  occurred  between  the
               visions of chapters 8 and 9. It is not clear where chapter 6 fits into this
               order of events, but it also may well have occurred in the first year of
               Darius’s reign, either immediately before or immediately after the events
               of  chapter  9.  If  Daniel’s  experience  at  Belshazzar’s  feast  as  well  as  his

               deliverance  from  the  lions  had  already  been  experienced,  these
               significant evidences of the sovereignty and power of God may well have
               constituted  a  divine  preparation  for  the  tremendous  revelation  now
               about to unfold.

                  The  immediate  occasion  of  this  chapter,  however,  was  Daniel’s
               discovery in the prophecy of Jeremiah that the desolations of Jerusalem
               would  be  fulfilled  in  seventy  years.  In  addition  to  his  oral  prophetic
               announcements, Jeremiah had written his prophecies in the closing days

               of  Jerusalem  before  its  destruction  by  the  Babylonians.  In  597  B.C.
               Jeremiah had even written a letter to the exiles in Babylon (Jer. 29) in
               which he had announced that their time in captivity would last seventy
               years (v. 10). Jeremiah himself had been taken captive by Jews rebelling
               against  Nebuchadnezzar  and  had  been  carried  off  to  Egypt  against  his
               will to be buried in a strange land in a nameless grave. But the timeless

               Scriptures that he wrote found their way across desert and mountain to
               faraway Babylon and fell into the hands of Daniel. How long Daniel had
               been in possession of these prophecies is not known, but the implication
               is that Daniel had now come to fully comprehend Jeremiah’s prediction
               and  realized  that  the  seventy  years  prophesied  had  about  run  their
               course. The time of the vision recorded in Daniel 9 was 538 B.C., about 67

               years after Jerusalem had first been captured and Daniel carried off to
               Babylon (605 B.C.).

                  Jeremiah had prophesied, “This whole land shall become a ruin and a
               waste, and these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years.
               Then  after  seventy  years  are  completed,  I  will  punish  the  king  of
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