P. 15

20. According to the text, small arms...

                      a.  have a caliber of 20mm or less.
                      b.  are distributed by small teams.
                      c.  must be over 20mm in caliber.
                      d.  are transported by special forces.

                  CHECKPOINTS  prevent  the  smuggling  of  illegal  items,  weapons,  ammunition  and
                  explosives  into  the  area  of  operations.  They  also  count  vehicles  and  report  all
                  activities to the UN command.

                  21. According to the above...

                      a.  illegal items are sold in the area of operations.
                      b.  commands must enter through a checkpoint.
                      c.  explosives are carried in after an area inspection.
                      d.  command is informed of what is happening.

                  A  WARNING  ORDER  is  a  preliminary  notice  of  a  subsequent  order  or
                  task intended to give subordinates time to make necessary plans and

                  22. This statement indicates that...

                      a.  one order precedes another.
                      b.  an order comes after a task.
                      c.  subordinates give warning orders.
                      d.  time and plans are now useless.

                  Currently, American development assistance is targeting the private
                  sector of developing nations with programs for small and medium
                  enterprises and projects to help businessmen promote their activities.
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