Page 69 - Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes as an Emerging Paradigm for Regenerative Therapy and Nano-Medicine
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Extracellular Vesicle Treatment for Glaucoma                        IOVS j February 2018 j Vol. 59 j No. 2 j 709

            FIGURE 4. RNFL thickness measurements of rats. (A) Mean 6 SEM RNFL thickness (lm) of rats measured by OCT in animals 21 days after laser
            photocoagulation. Asterisks indicate significant difference from injured/untreated at P < 0.05. (B) RNFL measurements were taken from around the
            optic nerve head (green circle; scale bar, 1 mm). (C) Representative OCT images of retina from which the RNFL (partially marked in red)
            measurements were taken (scale bar: 200 lm).

            Intravitreal BMSC sEV Preserve pSTR Amplitude/      of the pSTR (39.5 6 5.1 lv; 44.3 6 1.7 lv, respectively). This
            RGC Function                                        protective effect was not present after ivit injection of sEV
                                                                isolated from BMSC transfected with siAgo2 (21.8 6 1.4 lv)
            The amplitude of the pSTR at day 21 decreased significantly in  but was still present if sEV isolated from BMSC transfected with
            the laser photocoagulation glaucoma model (23.6 6 2.2 lv)  siScr were used (38.2 6 2.1 lv). Single and weekly ivit
            compared with intact eyes (55.5 6 0.7 lv; Fig. 5). Single and  injection of fibroblast sEV did not prevent degenerative loss of
            weekly ivit injection of BMSC sEV prevented degenerative loss  the pSTR (26.2 6 1.1; 25.5 6 2.5 lm, respectively). There was

            FIGURE 5. ERG measurements of pSTR. (A) Mean 6 SEM amplitude (lv) of pSTR measured by ERG in animals 21 days after laser photocoagulation.
            Asterisks indicate significant difference from injured/untreated at P < 0.05. (B) Representative traces of pSTR.

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