Page 24 - Power of Stem Cells- arthritis and regeneration
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her. She applied immediately and came “
Arthritis—A New Solution
severe to treat. Others didn’t give her
the conf dence she needed to know the
treatment would be helpful. T en she
Stem cell
met Dusty Durrill. When she heard his
treatments, for
story about the Stem Cell Institute, she
knew stem cells were the treatment for
changing. I am
back to the dance
down for treatment. me, were life
floor with no pain
Janet began feeling the ef ects of her and regaining
f rst stem cell treatment about six months the confidence to
af erward. T e change was dramatic, and
she felt it in all of her joints, not only her dance full out, not
knee. She felt relief from a neck injury tentatively.”
that had occurred twenty years earlier
and from the arthritic joint pain in her hands. Since her f rst treatment Janet
has been down a few more times for maintenance treatment, “for f ghting
the degenerative disease that osteoarthritis presents,” she says.
Best of all, Janet is dancing again. In fact, she won the U.S. American
Rhythm title with world champion Tony Dovolani, “a dream come true,”
she said. “Stem cell treatments, for me, were life changing. I am back to the
dance f oor with no pain and regaining the conf dence to dance full out,
not tentatively.”
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