Page 29 - MSC & Exosomes in autoimmune
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                                                       Table 1. Cont.

                                            Type of
                   Disease Model  MSC Source         Target Cell  Molecular Mechanism  Therapeutic Effect  Ref. No.
                   E. coli-induced                   neutrophils;  increased synthesis of
                                   BM      MSC-EVs                                phagocytosis;   [53]
                    pneumonia                        monocytes      LTB4
                                                                                reduced pneumonia
                  Bleomycin-induced                   alveolar  suppressed production  reduced deposition of
                    lung fibrosis   BM      MSC-Exos  macrophages   of TGF-β1    collagen in the lungs  [57]
                                                               reduced expression of
                 Aspergillus protease                            co-stimulatory  alleviation of Th2
                   antigen-induced  AT     MSC-EVs   lung DCs    molecules and   cell-driven lung  [58]
                  lung inflammation                             increased production of  inflammation
                                                                                 increased spatial
                     AβPP/PS1                                  polarization towards
                   transgenic mice  UC     MSC-Exos  microglia   M2 phenotype   learning and memory;  [62]
                                                                                  attenuated AD
                    hippocampal                     hippocampal                   prevention of
                  cultures exposed to  WJ  MSC-EVs    neurons  attenuation of oxidative  neuronal damage  [64]
                                                               stress-induced injury
                                                               suppressed production
                                                     Microglia;                    alleviated
                  TMEV-induced MS  AT      MSC-EVs               of inflammatory                   [65]
                                                     CD4+T cells                neuroinflammation
                                                                                better recovery from
                  L5/6 spinal nerve                                delivery of       nerve
                     ligation      UC      MSC-Exos   neurons   neurotrophic factors  ligation-induced  [66]
                                                               induction of autophagy
                     Cerebral      AT      MSC-Exos   neurons   and suppression of  prevention of neural  [67]
                  I/R-induced injury                                               cell death
                                                               increased proliferation
                                                    renal tubular
                 CDDP-induced AKI  BM      MSC-EVs               and suppressed  alleviation of AKI  [71]
                                                               increased proliferation
                                                    renal tubular               reduced impairment
                   I/R-induced AKI  BM     MSC-EVs               and suppressed                   [74]
                                                       cells                     of renal function
                 CDDP-induced AKI  UC      MSC-Exos   PTECs    induction of autophagy  attenuation of AKI  [75,76]
                                                    renal tubular  attenuation of oxidative
                   I/R-induced AKI  WJ     MSC-EVs                               alleviation of AKI  [77]
                                                       cells        stress
                                                                  suppressed    improvement of renal
                  I/R-induced renal  WJ    MSC-EVs  macrophages  CXCL1-dependent  function and    [84]
                      injury                                   influx of monocytes in  abrogation of renal
                                                                 injured kidneys    fibrosis
                                                               reduced expression of
                      EAU          BM      MSC-EVs     DCs     molecules and reduced  Th17-driven  [90]
                                                                                inflammation in the
                                                                  production of
                                                               Th17-related cytokines  eyes
                                                                   increased    increased survival of
                  Optic nerve crush  BM    MSC-Exos    RGCs                                       [95]
                                                                 neuritogenesis      RGCs
                                                                                reduced infarct size
                    I/R-induced                                 attenuated oxidative
                                   ESCs    MSC-Exos  cardiomyocytes             and improved cardiac  [96]
                  myocardial injury                                 stress
                                                                  activation of  reduced infarct size
                      AMI          BM      MSC-Exos  cardiomyocytes  Akt-dependent  and improved cardiac  [97]
                                                                signaling pathway   function
                                                               increased production of
                      AMI          EM      MSC-Exos  cardiomyocytes             neovascularization in  [101]
                                                                                  ischemic hearts
                     Abbreviations:  Dextran  sulfate  sodium  (DSS);  bone  marrow  (BM);  umbilical  cord  (UC);
                     D-Galactosamine/Lipopolysaccharide (D-GalN/LPS); menstrual blood (MB); ischemia-reperfusion (I/R);
                     induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC); sphingosine kinase (SK1); carbon tetrachloride (CCl4); amnion (AM); adipose
                     tissue (AT); hepatic stellate cells (HSCs); Escherichia coli (E. coli); leukotriene B4 (LTB4); dendritic cells (DCs);
                     amyloid-β peptide (Aβ); Alzheimer’s disease (AD); Wharton’s jelly (WJ); Theiler’s murine encephalomyelitis virus
                     (TMEV); multiple sclerosis (MS); cisplatin (CDDP); acute kidney injury (AKI); proximal tubular epithelial cells
                     (PTEC); Experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU); retinal ganglion cells (RGCs); embryonic stem cells (ESCs); acute
                     myocardial infarction (AMI); endometrium (EM); vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF).
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