Page 20 - Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells
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HARVESTABLE MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS                              1839

          adipose tissue, and unprocessed lipoaspirate and simple  standard density for bone marrow used for conversions
          adipose tissue were evaluated as equivalent substances.  was determined to be 1.058 g/mL. 23  Values from
          Levels for adipose-derived MSCs ranged from 4,737.5  studies that did not include volume or mass data for
          MSCs/mL of lipoaspirate 13  to 1,550,000 MSCs/mL of  bone marrow harvest could not be reported in millili-
          lipoaspirate 14  (Table 1, Fig 1).                  ters and, consequently, were reported with MSCs as a
                                                              percentage of total nucleated cells. Similar concerns
          Bone Marrow                                         arose in the reporting of umbilical cord tissue. Values
           Bone marrow tissue harvest was primarily conducted  from studies that did not include mass or volume data
          through repeated aspirations through large-bore nee-  were instead recorded by length of cord and could not
          dles, ranging from 15- to 18-gauge sizes. 15  Levels for  be converted.
          bone marrowederived MSCs ranged from 1 to 30
          MSCs/mL  15  to 317,400 cells/mL 16  (Table 1, Fig 1).  Autograft Tissue and Minimal Manipulation
                                                                Comparisons of yields between placental and autograft
          Umbilical Cord and Placental Tissue
                                                              tissue invite clarification of the practical difference be-
           Placental tissuee and umbilical cordederived MSCs
                                                              tween autograph and allograph transplantation, as well
          proved unique in their diverse harvest and tissue-specific
                                                              as minimally manipulated tissues. Allograft tissue rarely
          harvest sites. Tissue cell levels for Wharton’s jelly (um-
                                                              presents with immune complications after trans-
          bilical cord connective tissue) ranged from 10,000 MSCs/  plantation. The lack of the human leukocyte antigeneA
          mL of umbilical cord 17  to 4,700,000 MSCs/cm of umbil-  surface antigen confers an immune-privileged nature to
          ical cord. Chorionic tissue cell levels were reported to be  placental tissue, allowing for comparable use of the 2
          45,000 MSCs/g of wet tissue (Fig 1). 19                                                     24
                                                              tissues without immune-modifying therapy.  Conse-
                                                              quently, for the purposes of clinical use and this review,
          Peripheral Tissue
                                                              allograft placental tissue is comparable with autograft
           Peripheral blood, which was collected through pe-
          ripheral blood draw and centrifugation, was reported to  According to US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
          have MSC levels of 1 to 40 cells/mL. 20  Muscle tissue
                                                              regulations, only cellular products classified as “361 tis-
          was harvested from the semitendinosus tendon, which  sue” may be exempt from premarket review and regu-
          was collected with a tendon stripper. 21  Similarly, peri-
                                                              lation. Classification as 361 tissue requires cells to be
          osteum tissue was collected from the tibial insertion of  “minimally manipulated,” a criterion that excludes
          the same harvested semitendinosus tendon. 21  Synovial
                                                              many common techniques used to harvest, isolate, and
          tissue was harvested during arthroscopic surgery from
                                                              purify MSCs today. It should be noted that adipose tissue
          the medial joint capsule of the knee using a pituitary  currently harvested for MSCs requires multistep pro-
          rongeur. 21
                                                              cessing, including enzymatic digestion, purification, and
                                                              expansion in culture, which is considered more than
                            Discussion                        “minimal manipulation,” thereby excluding them from
           The advancement of stem cell transplant techniques  361 cellular tissue classification by the FDA.  However,
          over recent years has made the practical acquisition of  recent procedural and technologic advances have
          these cells increasingly worthwhile for the purpose of  demonstrated efficient, non-enzymatic purification of
          reconstructive surgery. Autologous sources represent  human MSCs from lipoaspirate. 26  Further, recent
          the most current, cost-efficient, and least controversial  studies have shown mechanically purified adipose-
          option to acquire and transplant MSCs in the clinical  derived MSCs demonstrate greater pluripotent response
          setting. Physicians and researchers exploring this  compared to enzymatically isolated adipose stem cells. 27
          emerging  field  will  require  resources  concisely  Given recent FDA approval for marketing of this system
          explaining the most efficient sites for MSC harvest, as  and subsequent “361 cellular tissue” classification, the
          well as the levels of cells available in different tissues.  field of adipose-derived stem cells and their clinical
          Determining the best and most consistent tissue source  application may greatly expand in the coming years. In
          of human MSCs, as well as the cell levels typically  addition, a 2013 update by the FDA Tissue Reference
          harvested from related sites, offers a valuable resource  Group clarified that bone marrow MSCs, when
          for future clinical studies.                        expanded in culture, did not fall under the classification
           Given the diverse array of units used to report cell  of 361 cells. 28  Consequently, the advancement of the
          harvest levels among selected studies, values were  field and therapeutic application of MSCs will likely rely
          converted to a standard measurement to allow direct  on the ability to harvest cells in quantities suitable for
          comparison between studies and tissues. For adipose  implantation without digestion and expansion. A
          values, a common value for the density of adipose   detailed understanding of the anatomic sites and tissue
          tissue was selected from previous studies as 0.9475  types yielding the highest levels and concentrations of
          g/mL 22  to convert values from grams to milliliters. The  cells by volume will prove crucial to these initial steps.
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