Page 47 - Mesenchymal Stem cells, Exosomes and vitamins in the fight aginst COVID
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Al-Khawaga and Abdelalim Stem Cell Research & Therapy          (2020) 11:437           Page 28 of 33

            and protocols [182]. Due to the trapping effect of MSCs  several in vitro culturing strategies have been developed
            occurring in the lung, a justification for the high doses  to mimic the natural MSC niche, preserving the function
            of MSCs has been proposed [183]. Therefore, MSCs  and quality of a scalable clinical-grade cell expansion re-
            could be genetically modified to overexpress selected  main a challenge.
            genes in order to increase in their engraftment. Pre-  The adult sources of MSCs include painful and inva-
            treatment with a series of preconditioning approaches  sive procedures with possible donor site morbidity [195].
            could also promote MSCs therapeutic effects and en-  Regardless the origin, the MSCs display heterogeneity in
            hance their survival in the lung. Of note, challenges with  their abilities to propagate and differentiate [196]. The
            autologous MSC transplantation in ARDS are demon-  differences in the properties of MSCs are associated with
            strated by their impaired potential due to the immuno-  the variations in the age of the donor, method of MSC
            modulatory effects of bone marrow MSCs [184].     isolation, and in vitro culturing approaches. As an alter-
              As extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is  native source, hPSCs could differentiate into unlimited
            among the salvage therapy for refractory respiratory fail-  number of MSCs, displaying MSC characteristics [55,
            ure in the context of acute respiratory compromise associ-  197, 198]. Further studies are needed to extensively
            ated with SARS-CoV-2, it is critical to learn how MSCs  examine the differences between MSCs isolated from
            would act in such setting [185]. IV administration of  different tissues and those derived from hPSCs.
            MSCs has been found to attach to membrane oxygenator  A systemic procoagulant state has been observed in se-
            fibers during ECMO in an in vitro ARDS model, leading  verely ill COVID-19 patients, which tends to result in
            to a significant decrease in the flow through the circuit  poor outcome. Such patients are at high risk of dissemi-
            [186]. Intratracheal and IV infusions of MSCs before  nated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and thrombo-
            ECMO or during a pause in the flow are some suggested  embolism. Looking at the risk of hypercoaguable state in
            strategies to overcome this limitation. Interestingly, a  COVID-19 patients, the safety profile of MSCs could be
            more recent study demonstrated an enhanced endogenous  further challenged [199]. DIC and thromboembolism
            MSC mobilization in patients with ARDS undergoing  taking place after the administration of TF/CD142-ex-
            ECMO [187]. Therefore, intratracheal administration of  pressing MSC products have been reported [182]. The
            MSCs might be an option in ARDS requiring continuous  production of the highly procoagulant tissue factor TF/
            high-flow ECMO.                                   CD142 between products could vary. BM-MSCs have
              The fate of MSCs after infusion also remains to be in-  the lowest TF/CD142 expression, whereas ASC display
            vestigated. Cell migration and distribution studies have  the highest expression profile [182]. Finally, the dynam-
            shown that the majority of MSCs localize to the lungs  ics of the current pandemic and the rising global de-
            after IV infusion [188, 189]. Intravascular arrest of MSCs  mand highlight the need for scalable manufacturing
            is due to MSC’s diameter ranging from 10 to 20 μm, big-  required to provide enough doses of MSC product of
            ger than the width of the pulmonary micro-capillaries  high quality in a reproducible and timely manner.
            [190]. However, following IV administration, MSCs still
            tend to migrate to sites of injury and move from the  Conclusion and future perspectives
            lungs to other organs, such as the liver and spleen [191,  MSCs have a potential therapeutic function in COVID-
            192]. Nevertheless, challenges remain in interpreting this  19, which is displayed in their ability to enhance alveolar
            data as this tracking could be detecting phagocytosed  fluid clearance and promote epithelial and endothelial
            MSCs. This is in line with the evidence showed that  recovery through transfer of EV components together
            most of MSCs become apoptotic after administration  with the cell-cell contact as well as their secreted soluble
            [193]. To avoid poor cell survival following MSC trans-  factors. As ACE2 is widely expressed in other tissue
            plantation, several preconditioning strategies have been  types in addition to lungs, it is intuitive to consider MSC
            proposed. Ang1-preconditioned cell survival was signifi-  effect on the other organs as well. MSC treatment may
            cantly increased via increased Akt phosphorylation. This  reduce the progression of ARDS in severely ill COVID-
            has further reduced the apoptotic rate in vitro via in-  19 patients with multiple organ failure.
            creased expression of B cell lymphoma protein 2 (Bcl-2)  Although several clinical trials have been recently reg-
            and the ratio of Bcl-2/Bcl-associated X (Bax) [193]. Sev-  istered to examine the safety and efficacy of MSCs as an
            eral priming strategies with pharmacological agents, in-  emerging therapeutic option for COVID-19-induced dis-
            flammatory cytokines or mediators, hypoxia, and   ease, fewer studies have been published. Learning from
            biomaterial have been shown to enhance the therapeutic  these clinical trials, MSCs could exert its immunomodu-
            efficacy of MSC transplantation. MSCs enhanced traf-  latory and regenerative capacity in COVID-19 patients.
            ficking and homing to sites of injury is demonstrated in  Although there is no approved treatment for COVID-19
            the high expression of chemokine receptors, such as  as of yet, MSC therapies continue to show improvement
            CXCR4, CXCR7, and CX3CR1 [194]. Finally, although  in the treatment of some of the leading causes of
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