Page 14 - Volume31Issue4R
P. 14

White, red nose and scallops on sides,
          yellow and black design w/“Jocko’s
          Streamlined Dragster” on sides, black
          “Powered by Allison V-12” on top.
          Vintage Drag 2-car set (2003)

            Big Daddy’s One and Only StreamlineR

             Streamlining any race car is a seductive exercise you’ll find in everything   slicks were spinning at more than 9,000 rpm the
             from drag racing to Formula 1, and it seduces its fair share of luminaries   length of the strip, supporting his sense the car
             as well as backyard racers. For years in the 1960s and early 1970s there   was lifting. Jocko said the opposite, claiming the
             were rumors “Big Daddy” Don Garlits was putting together a stream-    body produced extreme downforce and couldn’t
             lined dragster based off of a fiberglass body made by Jocko Johnson,   be lifting. Either way, Garlits wouldn’t pilot the
             with a chassis by Connie Swingle. While this shot was taken in May 1972,   B  dragster, choosing instead to plant Butch Maas in
             it wasn’t until a year later that the “Wynns-Liner” made its debut at   the seat, where he killed the car at half-track for
             the 1973 AHRA Grand American meet at Orange County International      his maiden-voyage, one-run ride.
             Raceway. Interestingly, there was another streamlined dragster at the
             1973 Grand American, this one from “Big” Jim Dunn that ran both as    Back in Florida, Garlits talked “Mad Dog” Don
             a rear-engine Funny Car, and then with its body switched over to the   Cook into entering it at the IHRA World Finals
             streamlined aluminum dragster body, it ran in Top Fuel.               at Lakeland. The darting dragster couldn’t get
                                                                                   pointed straight and made it to half-track before
             Garlits was more than apprehensive about running his streamliner,   C  shutting down.
             saying he was “spooked” by its handling. He claimed it wanted to fly
             at half-track. During practice sessions with the black beauty, he said the   Though Garlits would continue to experiment with aerodynamics
                                                                   through the years, trying wings, wheel pants, and cockpit covers, the
                                                                   spooky Wynns-Liner was soon parted out, never to run again.
                                                                   The Hot Wheels Collectibles version.

                                                                   Streamliner Dragster - 95mm - 2003

                                                                   This streamliner was an experiment in aerodynamic down force. It fea-
                                                                   tures opening cockpit and engine compartment with two chrome en-
                                                                   gines, black frame and base.
                                                                   A. white, red nose and scallops on sides, yellow and black design w/“-
                                                                   Jocko’s Streamlined Dragster” on sides, black “Powered by Allison V-12”
                                                                   on top. Vintage Drag 2-car set (2003)
                                                                   B. yellow, black base, black int. and clear canopy, black and white stripes
                                                                   on sides and on top, “Mooneyes” logo on front fenders, hood and trunk.
                                                                   Showcase, Racing series #1 #3 (2004)
                                                                   C. mf gold, as b, Hobby Showcase, Racing series #1 LE7000 (2004)
                                                                   d. flat black, chrome metal base, black and white int., clear windshield,
                                                                   multicolor Troy Lee Designs design, Troy Lee Designs LE1000 (2006) 30
                                                                   – 50
                                                                   E. green chrome, as d, Troy Lee Designs LE600 (2006) 50 – 100

                                                               D                               E

            14        NEWSLETTER  • ISSUE 4
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