Page 10 - Thinking of Selling
P. 10
are you ready?
This might seem basic and simple, Go spend a weekend there or even yet,
however sometimes it's the budget the rent a house or book a motel during a
determines the area, or it's the area week day and see how your life could
that is the non negotiable. Chances be.. You get to test the traffic, see how
are this isn't your first rodeo either. it would be living there with doing your
normal daily routine i.e. supermarket
However, what are your non shop, school run etc. How loud it might
negotiables? be during the week day compared to the
Is it internal access garaging, having 4 week.
bedrooms, needing the home on the
road front, maybe it's having a view.. Ideally you want to the move from one
home to be seamless, as you do with the
Come up with your TOP 5. mortgages. Some people have a period
Searching for a new home can pull on a where they have the mortgage on the
lot of emotional strings and make you current home and the new home. Double
loose sight of what you really want. mortgage, double pressure.
Especially when you see some gorgeous Sometimes this can not be avoided as a
"Home and Garden Magazine" houses. home might come up that is Perfect and
you pounce on it. Good for you. Just
Have you researched cities or suburb’s reflect back to the finance section
you want to move into? above.