Page 13 - thinking of selling FINAL
P. 13
ready, get set, go!
As you know, buyers love options, but
Think about the things you did when
they also love to get as much as they
you were looking? Did you write a
want in their sale.
home off because even though it
potentially ticked 90% of the boxes, you
Which is fair enough.
just weren’t willing to compromise on a
single garage? Or was the back yard
Buying a home is one of the biggest
just too small, or too large?
financial decisions you will ever do. And
you will know this too, as you’re selling
Buyers typically will trade a big
up.. and maybe you have had to put
backyard for a small backyard if it
your “buyer hat” on and find your next
meant they could live in a community
with a shorter commute to work and
could walk past places such as schools,
To get an advantage make sure you also
stores, restaurants, parks and
have a Comparative Market Analysis.
recreational area’s.
Knowledge is power.
Regardless, the point here is we don’t
Click here for a bother taking Buyers to your home if
the requirements do not match what
FREE CMA they are after. Time is important and
we are going for a quick profitable sale
here, so let’s weed out the people who
are not wanting what your home has to
The CMA process takes place before
offer and really get it Infront of the
your home is listed for sale. This is a
people who will LOVE it.
good assessment of what your house
could potentially sell for compared to
So what do you consider your home
homes similar to yours in your area.
TOP 5 attractions are?
Owners who are upgrading or
Is it the amazing butlers pantry, or the
renovating can benefit from a CMA
master bedroom? In the fashion
when it’s used to see if the intended
industry it is common to hear “Flaunt
changes will “over-improve” their
your Best Features” so this is what we
property compared to others in the
are going for here.