Page 2 - thinking of selling
P. 2


                                                                                      This Ebook has

                                                                                      been written with
                                                                                      my view point

                                                                                      from my 10 years

                                                                                      experience as a
                                                                                      Real Estate Sales
        FIRSTLY                                                                       person and also

                                                                                      my 20 years
        You might be thinking "Is now the right time?"
                                                                                      experience in the
        Great Question and this Ebook will explain this in
                                                                                      Building industry.
        much detail.  As WHEN to sell, is as crucial as

        selling itself.
                                                                                      Information for
        Page 03                                Page 07                                this Ebook has

                                                                                      come from

        IS YOUR HOUSE                          ARE YOU READY?                         research using
                                                                                      New Zealand and
                                               Selling a house can be a
                                                                                      international real
        We look at all the                     stressful time as much as
                                                                                      estate websites
        aspects of your house                  we try to make it
                                                                                      and companies.
        and what/if it is                      seamless, there a still
        ready to be on the                     things you need to

        market.                                consider first.

         Page 11                               Page 15                                  CLICK HERE TO

                                                                                       VIEW MY WEBSITE
         READY, GET SET, GO                    IINSIDE INFORMATION
                                               AND STATISTICS OF
        If you are ready and
                                               THE HOUSING
        the house is ready -
                                                                                  TALK TO US
        Lets look at getting it
                                               I always say Knowledge
                                                                                   0274 960 959
        on the market and
                                               is Power and I like to be
        what this means.
                                               as transparent with       
                                               everyone as I can. I
                                               share inside information
    thinking of selling                        for your own benefit.
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