Page 2 - Winter Edition
P. 2

Winter Blues or Winter Bliss...

     Quick, Easy and Low Cost ways to stay warm and healthy this winter

               Good Quality Blankets                                        Curtain Magic
      We have done lots of research on winter              It's no secret that closing the curtains before
    duvets. If you like a heavy and super warm,               the sun sets helps to keep the heat in.

      find yourself a 500gsm duvet, but if you                However it is amazing how many people
    prefer a light weight and warm duvet go for            still have them open at night and only close
      350gsm. Duvet inners can be natural or                the before they go to bed. Make sure your
   synthetic which can alter the cost. We prefer            curtains touch the floor and are wider than
         natural fibres like down and wool.                  the window frame. If you can, get double

                                                           layered with a thermal lining. Check specials
                                                                        at Homeware stores.

          Close off rooms you don't use                                            Rugs
     As mentioned above, to help save energy                 An area rug does more than keep your feet
      costs on heating close of the rooms you                  from touching a chilly floor. It acts as an
     don't use, so you only have a smaller area                insulating layer against the cold. If you’re

      to warm. This could be spare bedrooms,                    thinking about adding a rug to a room,
           bathrooms, hall way doors etc.                      consider these features: Depth, Density,
                                                                              Fibre and Size.

                    Draft Stoppers                                               Get Active
    Keeping the drafts on the outside makes for                There are so many ways to get your body
         a warmer home and lower heating                            temperature up by being active -
      bills. Draft stoppers can offer immediate                  exercise, tackle a home repair, or play a
     relief from cold drafts helping you save on                 game. Just find ways to keep yourself

   energy costs and if you’re trying to conserve               moving, so you generate more body heat.
      energy by only heating specific rooms in
   your home. You can buy them or make them
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