Page 1 - November Newsletter
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   P A P A K U R A
  Life   Property

                                                                            November 2019

     Insight, Advice, News, Guidance and Entertainment

     It is getting drier and warmer and it's GREAT!
     We are sharing an Article by Brenda Ward this

     month, who looks at the money personality of

     each of the generations and how world events

     can shape your view of life and security.

              WHAT’S YOUR MONEY

    Experts have discovered that world events and the trends around you can affect each generation’s
    spending and saving behaviour.

    Labels have sprung up to describe these generations. At first, they were created so marketers could better

    sell to us and later, they helped us understand how other people think.

    Baby Boomers are the only ‘official’ generation, as defined by the US Census department. The others were
    created later: Generation X, the Millennials, Gen Z, and then, for the earliest generation, we labelled our
    seniors the Silent Generation.  These catch-all labels are often eerily accurate, but remember, these
    assumptions are not true for everybody.

    Born: 1920-1946 - Now aged roughly 73 to over 100

    The Silent Generation are in retirement after surviving upheaval, war and depression. The earliest of this
    generation were born soon after the First World War, and most of them lived through the Great Depression

    of the 1930s and the Second World War. High numbers of young men were killed in the war, leading to an
    imbalance in the sexes. People knew times of fear, and there were food shortages, so people were frugal.
                                            P  A  P  A  K  U  R  A
                                            Life   Property

                                            is happily brought to you by
                                            Chris Grantham  0274 960 959

                                            Karen McGehan  027 296 1449
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