Page 43 - Focus on Prevention: Strategies and Programs to Prevent Substance Use
P. 43

Event Timeline

        One of the first steps in planning a successful           your organization’s needs. You may also find that the
        prevention event is to develop a detailed timeline        timeline can be shortened depending on your event’s
        of tasks.  The timeline will help you stay on track       size and purpose.
        and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks.         Organizations and coalitions you work with may want
        Use the following schedule of activities to plan your     to add activities to the timeline, so it’s important get
        event. Every step may not be necessary for your           their input from the beginning.
        event, so make sure to customize this timeline to fit

        Getting Started

          120 or More Days Prior           Identify the primary goal for your prevention event, decide on the topic and

                                            objective(s) of the event, and check for other existing activities that focus on
                                            raising awareness about your event topic.
                                           Identify target audience(s).

                                           Choose an event type that best highlights your event topic.

                                           Pick date(s) for the event.

                                            —  Collect information about what other community organizations may be
                                                planning around the same time that could support the event or compete
                                                with it.
                                           Create a draft budget.

                                           Create a timeline for the event and associated planning efforts.

                                           Create a marketing strategy.

          Consider hosting one of the following educational, community, leisure, and policy events:
            School pep rally                                   Community clean-up day

            Essay, poster, art, or video contest               Health fair
            School field day                                   Partner recognition luncheon/dinner
            Community sports tournament                        Town hall or mayor’s lunch
            Community walk/run/bike ride                       Community rally about your prevention cause

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