Page 5 - Modul teks ESSAY NARRATIVE_Tini Mulyantini
P. 5

Toddlers learn new things every day.

            How to use action verbs

               Action verbs can be transitive or intransitive. Transitive verbs require a direct object,
               such as a noun or pronoun, that receives the action. Without a direct object, sentences
               with a transitive verb are vague or incomplete.

            Examples: Transitive action verbsJack pushed another kid at the schoolyard.
            Can I borrow this book?
               In contrast, intransitive verbs do not require a direct object that receives the action of
               the verb. However, other information may come after the verb, such as an adverb.

            Examples: Intransitive action verbsThe dog ran.
            They complain frequently.
               Some action verbs can act as both transitive and intransitive verbs.

            Examples: Action verbs that can be either transitive or intransitiveMy neighbor plays drums
            every morning.
            The kids can play outside today.
            He grows tomatoes on his balcony.
            My niece is growing quickly.
            NoteBecause action verbs make your writing more vivid, they can be effectively used for
            resume writing. Unlike generic phrases like “responsible for,” “tasked with,” or “experienced
            in,” action verbs are attention-grabbing and help emphasize our abilities and

                    I was responsible for social media accounts across various platforms.
                    I managed social media accounts across various platforms.

            Action verbs vs. stative verbs
               Action or dynamic verbs are often contrasted with stative verbs. While action verbs
               communicate action, stative verbs describe a state of being or perception (e.g., “it
               tasted,” “he is,” “she heard”). Due to this, they are typically used to provide more
               information about the subject, rather than express an action that the subject did. For
               example, the sentence “Tom loves spending time with friends” uses a stative verb “love”
               to give us more information about Tom’s personality.

               However, some verbs can be used as either dynamic or stative verbs depending on the
               meaning of the sentence. For example, the verb “think” can denote someone’s opinion
               (stative verb) or the internal process of considering something (action verb).

            Action verbs vs. stative verbs
            His manager thinks he is lazy.
            They’re thinking about adopting a dog together.
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