Page 10 - Vecmar Catalog 2020- 10.23
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Warranties and Maintenance

     With Vecmar, it’s easy to get the level of repair
     coverage and protection that makes the most sense
     for your business. Maintenance and warranty
     programs not only protect your device investment,
     but also provide predictable repair costs for the
     duration of your agreement.


                         STANDARD WARRANTY                                        ADVANCED EXCHANGE                                                  WHAT IF YOU DIDN’T                                   VECMAR’S COMPREHENSIVE

                            RETURN TO DEPOT                                              WARRANTY                                                PURCHASE FROM VECMAR?                                       ONSITE MAINTENANCE

             With our standard Return to Depot  Warranty,                  Should your company need immediate                       MAINTENANCE  Vecmar will also handle the maintenance             Vecmar guarantees to beat your current
                if your device is not  functioning properly,              replacement of a nonfunctional device,                              of your hardware, even if you did not                   maintenance contract price by at least
              Vecmar will provide you with a shipping label           Vecmar’s Advanced Exchange Warranty would                                purchase the unit from us.  We can                      10%. Call today to see how much you
               to return the device to our facility. After it is       be best for you. With our Advanced Exchange                          customize a maintenence program to fit                     can save on your onsite maintanence
              received, Vecmar’s highly-trained technicians              Warranty, after a nonfunctional device is                            the needs of your growing company.                                      contract.
                will completely disassemble, inspect, and               reported to our customer service team, an
                   evaluate all the components of your                    immediate, previously remanufactured,                                                                                          800.457.8499 | 440.953.1119
                  device and return it to you at original             replacement will be sent by next business day.
              factory specifications. Repairs generally take           Along with the replacement, you will receive
                  1-3 days, not including shipping time.               a shipping label to return your nonfunctional

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