Page 4 - Vecmar Catalog 2020- 10.23
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            Our Services

             Vecmar offers outstanding, unwavering, uncompromising

             service, in a larger sense of the word. With an inventory

             large enough for orders on any scale, an experienced team

             that knows your equipment inside and out, and the ability

             to speak with the person who actually repairs equipment,
             Vecmar’s value is undeniable.

                       FULFILLMENT                          ASSET                          PRODUCT                                          WARRANTY &                   TECHNOLOGY BUYBACK                CUSTOMER SERVICE &

                         SERVICES                      MANAGEMENT                    REMANUFACTURING                                 MAINTENANCE OPTIONS                       OR TRADE IN                  TECHNICAL SUPPORT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  HELP DESK
                   We offer a complete             Our web-based ordering           Vecmar, we examine all                             Vecmar provides a variety of       Our buy-back and trade-           Our Technical Advisors
                  product-to-merchant             system allows customers            of the components of                           warranty options for your device’s    in programs let you earn          and Support Engineers
                  fulfillment solution to             to track and report           your device, not only the                        hardware. A customer can extend        money back on your               work with customers
               deliver devices and services       inventory and analyze the       defective part. We repaint,                        the length of the manufacturer’s   equipment. You can receive         before and after the sale,
              flawlessly from procurement         life-cycle management of        clean, inspect, and test each                     warranty or ship existing  products    cash or reinvest those         offering solutions quickly
                to retirement. We provide         hardware throughout the          unit so that it is returned                      to Vecmar for depot repair. Vecmar   dollars into brand-new or              and efficiently.
                 the most comprehensive                  organization.                to its original factory                       also offers an affordable Advanced    quality remanufactured
               suite of managed services in                                              specifications.                            Exchange program to all customers.            products.
                       the industry.

   Call Today   800-457-8499                                                                                                                                                                                                                      3
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