Page 21 - Fontaine Oaks Handbook Directors 062923
P. 21

annual  meeting  or  special  meeting,  the  authority  for  the  call,
               the  place,  day,  and  hour  of  the  meeting,  and  the  items  on  the
               agenda,  including  the  general  nature  of  any  proposed  amendment  to
               the  Declaration  or  By-laws,  any  budget  changes  and  any  proposal
               to  remove  a  pirector  or  officer,  shall  be  given  by  the                                      •
               Secretary/Treasurer  or  Clerk  at  least  ten  (10)  days  before  the
               date  set  for  the  meeting.            Such  notice  shall  be  given  to  each
               member  as  indicated  in  the  records  of  the  Association  by  hand
               delivery  or  by  mailing  it,  postage  prepaid,  United  States  mail,
               addressed  to  the  member  at  the  mailing  address  of  each  unit  or  t o
               any  other  mailing  address  designated  in  writing  by  the  unit
               owner.      If  notice  is  given  pursuant  to  provisions  of  this
               section,  the  failure  of  any  member  to  receive  actual  notice  of
               the  meeting  shall  in  no  way  invalidate  the  meeting  or  any
               proceedings  thereat.             Upon  written  request  for  notices  mailed  by
               registerd  mail  addrepsed  to  the  Secretary  of  the  Association  at
              the  address  of  the  Association,  the  holder  of  any  duly  recorded
              mortgage  against  any  unit  may  promptly  obtain  a  copy  of  any  and
              all  notices  permitted  or  required  to  be  given  to  the  members  from
              and  after  receipt  of  the  request  until  the  request  is  withdrawn
              or  the  mortgage  is  discharged  of  record.

                    Section  5.        Waiver  of  notice.          The  presence  of  all  the
              members  in  person  or  by  proxy,  at  any  meeting  shall  render  the
              same  a  valid  meeting,  unless  any  member  shall,  at  the  opening  of
              the  _meeting,  object  to  the  holding  of  the  same  for  noncompliance
              with  the  provisions  of  Secti9n  4  of  this  Article  II.                      Any  meeting
              so  held  without  objection  shall  be  valid  for  all  purposes,  and
              any  general  business  may  be  transacted  and  any  actions  may  be
              taken,  notwithstanding  the  fact  that  no  notice  of  meeting  was
              given,  or  that  the  notice  given  was  improper.

                    Section  6.        Quorum.       The  presence  at  any  meeting  of  the
              Association  in  person  or  by  proxy  of  unit  owners  whose  aggregate
              interest  in  the  common  areas  and  faciliti·es  constitutes  more  than
              50%  of  the  total  interest  in  the  common  areas  and  facilities
              shall  constitute  a  quorum.              At  any  meeting  at  which  a  quorum  is
              present,  the  affirmative  vote  of  a  majority  of  those  present
              shall  decide  any  question  except  the  election  of  Directors
              presented  to  the  meeting,  unless  a  greater  percentage  vote  is
              required  by  law,  by  the  Declaration  or  by  these  By-Laws.                        In  the
              election  of  Directors,  those  receiving  the·  greatest  number  of
              v o tes,  though  less  than  a  majority,  shall  be  elected.

                    Section  7.       Voting.       Any  person,  firm,  corporation,  trust,  or
              o t her  legal  entity  or  a  combination  .thereof,  owning  any  unit
              other  than  as  a  mortgagee,  in  the  condominium  duly  recorded  in
              his  or  its  name,  the  ownership  of  which  shall  be  determined  by
              the  records  of  the  Kennebec  County  Registry  of  Deeds,  shall  be  a
              member  of  the  Association,  and  either  in  person  or  by  proxy
              e n titled  to  vote  equivalent  of  his  percentage  interest  in  the
              c o mmon  a r eas  and  facilities  for  each  unit  so  owned  at  all
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