Page 190 - CCO17 Flip Book
P. 190

                     Senior Services
Carteret County Senior Citizen Services offers a wide variety of recreational activities...
The center is open Monday through Friday except for county holidays. Lunch is provided each weekday at all three sites. A variety of social activities and educational programs accompany the lunch service.
Carteret County Senior Citizen Center
3820 Galantis Dr, Morehead City 252-247-2626
Hours: 8am to 5pm
Meals on Wheels
2005 Arendell St, Morehead City
Home delivered meals are distributed each weekday to shut-ins and others. The cost is $2.65 per meal and they offer reduced rates for people who qualify for the program. Must be referred by physicians, hospitals, church pastors or Department of Social Services.
Seniors and Caregivers can benefit from a variety of programs in our area.
Senior Safety Program
PO Drawer 239, Beaufort
Enroll for this FREE service offered by the Carteret County Sheriff’s Department. Recipients will get a daily wake-up call at 8am to verify safety. If no one answers, a second party (of your choice) is contacted, after
that a patrol car is dispatched to the senior’s residence to verify safety.
Coastal Community Action, Inc
303 McQueen Ave, Newport
CCA offers a variety of programs for low income citizens in Carteret County. They do a Foster Grandparent Program, Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), a Senior Companion Program, Senior Games, and many other programs that help seniors in the community.
                                                                                  SENIOR PROGRAMS
             Senior Citizen Services
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)...........888-687-2277
Bereavement Support Group
Munden.Funeral.Home 2112.Arendell.St Morehead.City..............252-726-8066
Cancer Service Support
Carteret County Area Transportation System Call...............................252-240-1043
Carteret General Hospital
3500.Arendell.St Morehead.City..............252-808-6000
Convalescent Transport
4619.Arendell.St Morehead.City..............252-808-3247 Toll.Free........................800-887-5384
Domestic Violence Support/ Domestic Violence Program P.O.Box.2279 Morehead.City..............252-728-3788
Guardian Angel Alternative Care
3005.Fairway.Rd Morehead.City..............252-808-2990
PO.Box.281 Morehead.City..............252-247-6434
Hospice of Carteret County
3601-E.Bridges.St Morehead.City..............252-808-6085
LeChris Counseling Service
3332.Bridges.St.Ste.A Morehead.City..............252-726-9006
Lifeline Program........800-852-5433 Senior Games
801.Arendell.St Morehead.City..............252-808-3301
Senior Health Insurance Program
3820.Galantis.Dr Morehead.City..............252-247-2626 Or.................................252-808-4066
                                  Photo by Gary Hollar

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