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                           PLANNING FOR RETIREMENT FROM PAULETTE CLARK (Pg. 9)
                           Paulette Clark, Human Resources Employee Benefits Program Manager, has 40 years of
                           experience in retirement and benefits and has been with the County for over 22 years. Paulette
                           and the Employee Benefits team are an excellent resource for all matters related to County
                           employee benefits and retirement. For employees interested in learning or who are preparing for
                           retirement, Paulette offers the following best tips.

                           EMPLOYEE APPRECIATION DAY- MARCH 3, 2023 (Pg. 10)

                           Employee Appreciation Day, an annual national event held the first Friday in March, was celebrated
                           throughout the County on March 3rd .

                           PUBLIC SERVICE RECOGNITION WEEK- MAY 7-13, 2023 (Pg. 11)

                           Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW), a national annual event held in May, is an opportunity to
                           thank and acknowledge dedicated public servants from federal, state, local and tribal
                           governments across the country.

                           INTERNSHIP SPRING FAIRS (Pg. 12 - 13)
                           The Human Resources Department highlights the County’s Internship Program at local college
                           fairs. Students learned about the Internship Program and current internship opportunities.

                           EMPLOYEE RESOURCES (Pg. 14 - 15)
                           The Human Resources Department is happy to announce free resources available to county

                                              HRD CONNECT - Edition 22
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