Page 124 - Malcolm Gladwell - Talking to Strangers
P. 124

London, places like Brixton. Weisburd was in New York’s version of one of those neighborhoods—
                    only the neighborhood wasn’t at all what he had imagined: “What I found was, quite quickly, that
                    after we got to know the area, we spent all our time on one or two streets,” he says. “It was the bad
                    neighborhood of town, [but] most of the streets didn’t have any crime.”
                       After a while it seemed almost pointless to walk every street in his patrol area, since on most of
                    them nothing ever happened. He didn’t understand it. Criminals were people who operated outside
                    social  constraint.  They  were  driven  by  their  own  dark  impulses:  mental  illness,  greed,  despair,
                    anger. Weisburd had been taught that the best way to understand why criminals did what they did
                    was to understand who they were. “I call it the Dracula model,” Weisburd said. “There are people
                    and  they’re  like  Dracula.  They  have  to  commit  crime.  It’s  a  model  that  says  that  people  are  so
                    highly motivated to commit crime, nothing else really matters.”
                       Yet if criminals were like Dracula, driven by an insatiable desire to create mayhem, they should
                    have been roaming throughout the 72nd. The kinds of social conditions that Draculas feed on were
                    everywhere. But the Draculas weren’t everywhere. They were only on particular streets. And by
                    “streets” Weisburd meant a single block—a street segment. You could have one street segment with
                    lots  of  crime  and  the  next,  literally  across  an  intersection,  was  fine.  It  was  that  specific.  Didn’t
                    criminals have legs? Cars? Subway tokens?
                       “So that then begins a sort of rethinking of my idea of criminology,” Weisburd said. “Like most
                    other people, my studies were about people. I said, maybe we ought to be more concerned with


                    When he finished his stint in Brooklyn, Weisburd decided to team up with Larry Sherman, another
                    young criminologist. Sherman had been thinking along these lines as well. “I was inspired, at the
                    time,  by  the  AIDS  map  of  the  country,”  Sherman  remembers,  “which  showed  that  fifty  census
                    tracks out of fifty thousand had over half of the AIDS cases in the United States.” AIDS didn’t look
                    to him like a contagious disease roaming wildly and randomly across the land. It looked to him like
                    an interaction between certain kinds of people and certain very specific places, an epidemic with its
                    own internal logic.
                       Gathering the kind of data necessary to study the geographical component of crime wasn’t easy.
                    Crime had always been reported by precinct—by the general geographical area where it occurred.
                    But Weisburd had just walked the 72nd Precinct, and he knew an area that nonspecific wouldn’t
                    help them. They needed addresses. Luckily, Sherman knew the police chief in Minneapolis, who
                    was willing to help. “We chose Minneapolis because how could you find someone crazy enough to
                    allow us to do what we wanted to do?” Weisburd said with a laugh.
                       Sherman crunched the numbers and found something that seemed hard to believe: 3.3 percent of
                    the street segments in the city accounted for more than 50 percent of the police calls. Weisburd and
                    his graduate students at Rutgers University then put a map of Minneapolis on the wall, and pasted
                    little strips of paper wherever they found there had been a crime. The unbelievable finding was now
                    impossible to dismiss. From his days walking the 72nd, Weisburd had expected some concentration
                    of crime, but not this. “When Larry and I were talking about it, it was like, ‘Oh my God!’”
                       In Boston right around the same time, another criminologist did a similar study: Half the crime in
                    the city came from 3.6 percent of the city’s blocks. That made two examples. Weisburd decided to
                    look wherever he could: New York. Seattle. Cincinnati. Sherman looked in Kansas City, Dallas.
                    Anytime someone asked, the two of them would run the numbers. And every place they looked,
                    they saw the same thing: Crime in every city was concentrated in a tiny number of street segments.
                    Weisburd  decided  to  try  a  foreign  city,  somewhere  entirely  different—culturally,  geographically,
                    economically. His family was Israeli, so he thought Tel Aviv. Same thing. “I said, ‘Oh my God.
                    Look at that! Why should it be that five percent of the streets in Tel Aviv produce fifty percent of
                    the crime? There’s this thing going on, in places that are so different.’” Weisburd refers to this as the
                    Law  of  Crime  Concentration.   Like  suicide,  crime  is  tied  to  very  specific  places  and  contexts.
                    Weisburd’s experiences in the 72nd Precinct and in Minneapolis are not idiosyncratic. They capture
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