Page 183 - Malcolm Gladwell - Talking to Strangers
P. 183

The author is grateful for permission to use the following copyrighted
                         Photos: Duchenne and non-Duchenne smiles. Reprinted by permission of Paul
                         Ekman, Ph.D./ Paul Ekman Group, LLC.
                         Photo: “Anger” from Job van der Schalk et al., “Moving Faces, Looking
                         Places: Validation of the Amsterdam Dynamic Facial Expression Set
                         (ADFES),” Emotion 11, no. 4 (2011): 912. Reproduced by permission of

                         Images: “Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure,” “Sample ROCF immediate recall
                         drawings from the Pre/Post-stress groups,” “Sample ROCF immediate recall
                         drawings from the Stress Group,” from Charles A. Morgan et al., “Stress-
                         Induced Deficits in Working Memory and Visuo-Constructive Abilities in
                         Special Operations Soldiers,” Biological Psychiatry 60, no. 7 (2006): 722–29.
                         Reproduced by permission of Dr. Charles A. Morgan III and Elsevier.

                         Excerpts from “Edge” [6l.], “Lady Lazarus” [2], “A Birthday Present” [6]
                         from The Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath, edited by Ted Hughes. Copyright ©
                         1960, 1965, 1971, 1981 by the Estate of Sylvia Plath. Editorial material
                         copyright © 1981 by Ted Hughes. Reprinted by permission of Harper Collins.
                         Excerpt from “The Addict,” by Anne Sexton from Live or Die (Boston:
                         Houghton Mifflin, 1966). Reprinted by permission of SLL/Sterling Lord
                         Literistic, Inc. Copyright by Anne Sexton.

                         Graphs: “Relation between gas suicides in England and Wales and CO content
                         of domestic gas, 1960–77”; “Crude suicide rates (per 1 million population) for
                         England and Wales and the United States, 1900–84”; “Suicides in England and
                         Wales by domestic gas and other methods for females twenty-five to forty-four
                         years old” from Ronald V. Clarke and Pat Mayhew, “The British Gas Suicide
                         Story and Its Criminological Implications,” Crime and Justice 10 (1988): 79–
                         116. Reproduced by permission of Ronald V. Clarke, Pat Mayhew, and the
                         University of Chicago Press.
                         Map: Weisburd Jersey city map from David Weisburd, et al., “Does Crime Just
                         Move Around The Corner? A Controlled Study of Spatial Displacement and
                         Diffusion of Crime Control Benefits,” Criminology 44, no. 3 (2006): 549–91.
                         Reproduced by permission of David Weisburd and the American Society of
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