Page 142 - Doctrine and History of the Preservation of the Bible revised
P. 142
Chapter 18: MORE Supposed Errors in the Bible
If you plan to attend a public university or college, be ready for an attack on the reliability of the Bible,
especially when it comes to the creation of the earth. Most public universities believe and endorse
evolution as the process whereby all things came into being that we see today. While what they believe
is impossible based on observable laws in nature, the impossible becomes possible given enough time.
So, they believe that the earth is millions of years old, and the universe billions of years old. And they
will present this view as FACT in opposition of what the Bible says. They hold that the Bible is simply a
story like other fairy tales and the stories never really happened.
They say the Genesis account of creation is in error and science has proven it so. In their minds, they
refuse to look at scientific data and observations that contradict their views. But for the Christian, it
would be good to see that science validates the Creation story in Genesis. Let’s see how…
1. The student should be able to explain how old the Bible indicates that the earth is.
2. The student should be able to cite examples in nature that indicate that the earth is relatively young
and reinforces the Creation account in Genesis 1-11.
3. The student should be able to resolve other supposed contradictions in the Bible with further study.
The Lesson ...
Science and the Bible
A critic of the Bible may say these words:
“The Bible says the world is only 6,000 years old and was created in six days, but science has proved
that the earth is millions of years old.”
First of all, the Bible does not state how many years ago God created the earth. If you count the
generations back to Adam as did Archbishop Ussher, you come up with the creation of the earth
approximately 4,000 years BC. The problem is that there may have been gaps in the genealogies so his
date may be off a few years. But Creationists do hold that the earth is relatively young.
The other problem with this sentence is that science has NOT proved that the earth is millions of years
old. Science deals with testing and experimentation. Based on results, a hypothesis is created which is a