Page 24 - Doctrine and History of the Preservation of the Bible Student Textbook
P. 24

an accomplished conductor.  Why should we think any differently in regard to the Bible, which is far
               more complex in content and scope than any symphonic score?

               The Bible is unique in its textual reliability.  Because original manuscripts rarely exist for the world’s
               most important ancient literary works, the question must be asked of any ancient book, “Do the earliest
               copies in existence today accurately convey the content of the original document?

               The New Testament has been preserved in more manuscripts than any other ancient work of literature,
               with over 5,600 complete or fragmented Greek manuscripts, catalogued 10,000 Latin manuscripts and
               9,300 manuscripts in various other ancient languages including Syriac, Slavic, Gothic, Ethiopic, Coptic
               and Armenian.  Of all the manuscripts or parts of manuscripts we have of the Bible, some back to the 2
               Century, 99.5% of all of them agree 100%.  That means that the copyists were careful not to change the
               text throughout the ages of time.  Also, there are really only 400 variants that affected the sense of the
               passage, and only 50 of these have doctrinal significance.

               Here is a chart showing the ancient works of various individuals, the date they were written, the time
               between writing and the copies

                 Author       Date            Earliest   Approximate Time Span     Number of  Accuracy of
                              Written         Copy      between original & copy    Copies      Copies

                              died 55 or 53
                 Lucretius                              1100 yrs                   2           ----
                 Pliny        A.D. 61-113     A.D. 850   750 yrs                   7           ----
                 Plato        427-347 B.C.    A.D. 900   1200 yrs                  7           ----
                 Demosthenes  4th Cent. B.C.   A.D. 1100  800 yrs                  8           ----
                 Herodotus    480-425 B.C.    A.D. 900   1300 yrs                  8           ----

                 Suetonius    A.D. 75-160     A.D. 950   800 yrs                   8           ----
                 Thucydides   460-400 B.C.    A.D. 900   1300 yrs                  8           ----

                 Euripides    480-406 B.C.    A.D. 1100  1300 yrs                  9           ----
                 Aristophanes  450-385 B.C.   A.D. 900   1200                      10          ----
                 Caesar       100-44 B.C.     A.D. 900   1000                      10          ----
                 Livy         59 BC-AD 17     ----      ???                        20          ----

                 Tacitus      circa A.D. 100   A.D. 1100  1000 yrs                 20          ----
                 Aristotle    384-322 B.C.    A.D. 1100  1400                      49          ----

                 Sophocles    496-406 B.C.    A.D. 1000  1400 yrs                  193         ----
                 Homer (Iliad)  900 B.C.      400 B.C.   500 yrs                   643         95%
                                              2nd Cent.
                 New          1st Cent. A.D.   A.D.
                 Testament    (A.D. 50-100)   (c. A.D.   less than 100 years       5600        99.5%
                                              130 f.)

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