Page 8 - Doctrine and History of the Preservation of the Bible Student Textbook
P. 8
Can I trust the Bible?
1.4 Let’s Practice…
1. Write out a definition of bibliology.
2. Write out the definition of the doctrine of preservation.
3. What does the Greek word, logos mean and how does it apply to Jesus Christ?
4. Cite a verse in the Bible where God promises to come in flesh to reveal who He is.
5. What verse in the Bible tells us that the Bible is “god breathed?”
6. What verse in the Bible tells us that God spoke through the prophets of old?
7. How many times does the Bible declare that “God said” or “Thus says the Lord?”
8-10. What three areas demonstrate the claims of biblical authority?
1.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
Activity: Can you say the books of the Bible from memory? If so, says them from memory
to one of the members in your family. If not, take some time to memorize the entire list of
the books of the Bible, then says them to a member in your family. Once you have done
that successfully, check this box