Page 83 - Isaiah Student Worktext
P. 83

God inspired Isaiah to make comparison between God, the Creator of the universe, and the images of
               gold, silver and wood that are prepared in such a way that they will not totter.  The skillful workman
               must carve it so that it is balanced and won’t fall over.   God will not fall over.

               V. 21-26  The opening line of this section asks 4 questions which come down to this: how could you
               possibly not know God?  He then goes on to tell of His greatness: He sits above the circle of the earth.

               This is one of several indications from scripture that it was well known in Biblical times that the earth
               was round Job 26: 10

               God is so immense that the inhabitants of the earth are like grasshoppers in His sight.  He has created a
               dwelling place for us, and the power of a prince or a judge is ‘useless’ compared to the power of God.
               These earthly powers are ‘scarcely planted’ before they wither, as the grass and the flower.  But God
               continues on. There is no one and no thing that can be likened or compared to God.

               ‘Lift up your eyes on high’ to see the vastness of His creation.  Everything we see, He calls by name and
               none of it can fall without Him knowing.

               V. 27 If we serve a God who knows all these things, how can we (Jacob/Israel, but also us) say that God
               doesn’t understand what we are going through?

               V. 28-31 This is possibly the best-known scripture to come from Isaiah.  He starts once again with asking
               how we could not know Him.  He is the everlasting God, Creator who doesn’t need rest.  He knows and
               understands all things.

               He gives power to the weak.  Even those who are young might faint and grow weary, but for those who
               are patient enough to wait upon the Lord, in His timing, we will renew our strength, we will mount up
               with wings like eagles.

               God needs no rest, but we do.  We need constant refreshing and strengthening, and God tells us here
               that He will provide it.

               The indication here is not just for physical strength, but also for spiritual renewal.  An hour on Sunday is
               simply not enough.  We need to spend time with the God who knows all things and sees all things so
               that He will reveal more of Himself to us.  In the process, He will renew our strength so that we can run
               and not be weary, walk and not faint.

               11.4 Let’s Practice…

                      Questions from Chapter 38
                      1.  What did God teach Hezekiah through giving him a disease and eventually healing him?

                      2.  What was Hezekiah’s first response to finding out that he was about to die?

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