Page 113 - Discipleship Ministries Student E-Book
P. 113

14.3 Redeeming the Time

                         From the KJV (King James Version) of the Bible, two verses jump off the page:  “Redeeming
                         the time for the days are evil.” Eph. 5:16 and Col. “Walking in wisdom toward them that are
                         without, redeeming the time.” Both of these verses are teaching us that our time is valuable.
                         In the context of Bible teaching, we understand that in the economy of God events are taking
                         place that are leading on to the end of God’s long-suffering with mankind.  The book of
                         Revelation’s “last days” speaks of catastrophe and judgment, neither of which is going to be
               in any way pleasant for the lost person.  So, whatever we, as Christians, are going to do for the kingdom
               and for sharing the Gospel with the lost needs to be done as soon as we can.

               This is what is meant by “redeeming the time.”  We are trying to use our spiritual gifts, time, energy, and
               finances to help friends, neighbors, and other lost souls to find the same peace, joy, and eternal life that
               we have found.  May God help us to do it!

               Time Management:  making the most of your minutes…

               An anonymous quotes come to us regarding this subject:

                       “I have just a minute;
                       Only sixty seconds in it.
                       Forced upon me, can’t refuse it;
                       Didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it…
                       I must suffer if I lose it….
                       Give account if I abuse it;
                       Just a tiny little minute,
                       But eternity is in it.”

               We will give an account of how we use our time.

               Think about this verse:

               Romans 14:12 So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.

               In context, this verse talks about a day we shall stand before the Lord and give an account of our works
               to God.  The preceding verses talked about passing judgment on others when you need to judge
               yourself.  Have you ever wondered what this accounting will involve?

               1.  It won’t be a judgment for our sin.  Psalm 103:12 says that “as far as the east is from the west, so far
               does he remove our transgressions from us.”  The Bible says that when we were justified by God when
               we by faith believed in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross and applied it to our lives.  At that moment
               we were declared righteous before a holy God.  And it is not our righteousness, but the righteousness of
               Christ presented on our behalf of us to the just Judge.  This is an amazing verse to ponder:

               II Corinthians 5:21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might

               become the righteousness of God.

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