Page 129 - Discipleship Ministries Student E-Book
P. 129
16.4 Let’s Practice
1. There are many passages in the NT that give us the pattern for Grace Giving, but probably
the best passage which clearly defines how to give in the New Testament is
2. In this passage, what promise is given to the person who practices Grace Giving?
3. According to verse 7, how much are we supposed to give to the Lord?
4. According to verse 8, God promises us WHAT when we give?
5. In God’s economy, who does He use to meet the needs of others?
6. What happens when others receive gifts from you, according to verse 14?
7. The Bible teaches that Christian giving ought to be ________________giving according to II
Corinthians 9:7.
16.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…
OK. Now you know what the Bible says about giving. How are you doing? Does God have
control of this area in your life? Or are you holding out? Do you think that 100% of what you
have is God’s? How much are you keeping, and how much are you giving? Let’s write a letter
to God, telling him what you plan to do in this area of your life:
Dear Lord,