Page 14 - Discipleship Ministries Student E-Book
P. 14
• Christians refused to go to the theater because the plays were cruel and coarse.
• Christians would not go to the law court.
• Christians kept slaves but treated them kindly. That kind of treatment would cause other slaves
to revolt against their masters.
• Christians would not take weak or unwanted children out in the woods and leave them to die.
To have a consistently biblical worldview we must go back to the Bible and take hold of the promises
God has made to us, for the world offers us nothing (Luke 9:25; John 12:25; Matthew 6:19).
Studying God’s Word
As Matthew 28 say, the process of making disciples is a teaching ministry. It declares, “while you are
going…teach.” To help a new believer develop a theocentric world view, he must begin a dedicated and
organized plan of learning God’s thoughts from His Word. He must be taught what God thinks.
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light upon my path… Psalms 119: 11
Many false philosophies have crept into our minds and pervert our thinking. This is Satan’s plan. He
wants you to think any way but biblically! Because if you think biblically, you will become like Christ!
The Bible is an essential life guide…
The Bible discovers and convicts us of sin.
The Bible helps us understand the way of salvation.
The Bible helps cleanse us from the pollution of sin.
The Bible imparts strength.
The Bible instructs us in what we are to do.
The Bible provides us with a sword for victory over sin.
The Bible makes our lives fruitful and worthwhile.
The Bible gives us power to pray.
God commands us to study it. Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who
has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth. [II Timothy 2:15]
The Scriptures can be trusted
The Bible is reliable and trustworthy. It is God’s Book and has been preserved in its accuracy. It
is without errors! The psalmist wrote: "All Your words are true; all Your just laws will stand
forever" (Psalm 119:160). In the New Testament, John writes, "Your word is truth" (John 17:17,
The Scriptures arm us against destructive error
The Bible constantly warns God's people against those who bring in false teachings... Ephesians
4:14, Acts 20:27-31
The Scriptures protect us from occult influence
We are told in the Word of God that there is an occult force stalking this planet "seeking whom
he may devour" The Bible shows what it is, what are its devices and plans - and how to annul it’s