Page 156 - Discipleship Ministries Student E-Book
P. 156
I Corinthians 13:8 Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will
cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.
It is evident in this verse that prophecies and knowledge will pass and tongues will cease. The Greek
word for “cease” literally means “cease of itself” or “to vanish away.” In church history, shortly after the
1 Century church was passed and as the canon of Scripture was completed, the gift of tongues (being
able to speak in an unknown foreign language) ceased as a gift. Let’s take a few minutes to help you
understand what these gifts are:
Prophecy – it means “speaking forth” or declaring the purposes of God. It does not mean predicting the
future. The prophet or preacher is one who declares God’s will, interprets the purposes of God, and
makes God known to others in a way the truth of God is upheld.
Serving – It comes from the Greek word, diakonian, where we get our modern word, deacon. It means
to serve to minister to the practical needs of others.
Teaching – This gift involves the analysis and proclamation of the Word of God, explaining the meaning,
context, and application to the hearer’s life. This gift enables the teacher to have a unique ability to
clearly instruct and communicate knowledge, especially the doctrines of the faith.
Encouraging or exhortation – This gift is evident in those who consistently come to the side of another
believer to offer consolation, comfort, or correction in order to build up or strengthen the weak of faith
or those who are in the midst of trials.
Giving – This gift is demonstrated in those who joyfully share what they have with others, whether it is
financial, material, or the giving of personal time and attention. The giver is concerned for the needs of
others and seeks opportunities to share his material blessings with others as needs arise.
Leadership or Administration – This gift enables the recipient to preside over and manage other people
in the church or in service to God. The Greek word means “guide” and carries the idea of one who
steers a ship. The person with this gift leads with wisdom and grace and exhibits the fruit of the Spirit in
his life as he leads by example.
Mercy – This gift is given to those who demonstrate compassion toward others who are in distress,
showing sympathy to help lessen the suffering that others may be experiencing.
Word of Wisdom – The word, “word” gives a clue to this gift. It has to do with speaking. This gift
describes one who can understand and speak forth biblical truth in such a way as to inspire the hearer
to desire to obey.
Word of Knowledge - The word, “Word” gives a clue to this gift. It has to do with speaking. This gift
describes one who can understand and speak forth Biblical truth in such a way as to inspire the hearer
to desire to obey.
Faith – This spiritual gift is demonstrated by one who has a strong and unshakeable confidence in God,
His Word, His promises, and the power of prayer to demonstrate the power of God in lives.