Page 20 - Discipleship Ministries Student E-Book
P. 20

Master Studying the Bible Using 5 Easy Questions

               2.4 Let’s Practice…

                       1. Write out a definition of a worldview.

                       2-6.  What are the five big questions that are included in a worldview?

                       7.  Describe what a naturalist believes.

               8.  Describe what a Christian theists believes.

               9-13.  Give five of the seven reasons why Christians do not have a consistently biblical worldview.

               14-15.  List two of the practices of the early church that brought to them persecution.

               16.  Succinctly state Interpretive Principle #1.

               17.  State Rule #2 and why is this important?

               18.  State Rule #3.  Why is this rule important?

               19.  State Rule #4.

               20.  State Rule #5.  Why is this a difficult task for you?

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