Page 26 - Discipleship Ministries Student E-Book
P. 26

How to Conduct a Word Study (Using an interlinear Bible)

               Principle #8

               Understand the culture

               The cultural gap must be bridged because cultures can be very different.
               If we don’t understand the culture of the time in which the Bible was
               written, we’ll never understand its meaning. For example: “In the
               beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word
               was God” (John 1:1). What does that mean? Why didn’t he say, “In the
               beginning was Jesus”? Well, he used “the Word” because that was the
               vernacular at that time. To the Greeks the term Word was used to refer
               to a floating kind of cause, a kind of ethereal, spatial kind of energy that
               was floating around.  John said to the Greeks that that floating cause, that thing which caused
               everything, that spatial energy, that cosmic power, is none other than that Word which became flesh

               To the Jew, the term Word was always the manifestation of God, because “the Word of the Lord” was
               always God emanating His personality.  So, when John said, “the Word was made flesh and dwelt among
               us,” he was identifying Jesus Christ, the incarnate Christ, as the very emanation of God.  In the text,
               therefore, he meets the Greek mind and Hebrew mind with the right word that grabs both at vital

               And this goes on all throughout the Bible. If you don’t understand the Gnosticism existent at the time of
               the writing of Colossians, you may not understand the purpose of the book. If you don’t understand the
               culture at the time the Judaizers were moving into the Gentile churches, you will find it difficult to
               understand the book of Galatians. If you don’t understand the Jewish culture, you will miss the subtle

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