Page 68 - Discipleship Ministries Student E-Book
P. 68

Was Jesus Just a Great Teacher?

               7.4 Let’s Practice…

                        1.  Why is it important that a discipler’s life match what he teaches his disciple?

                        2.  Why is it important to bath your teaching time with your disciple in prayer?

                        3.  When you are asked to “be creative,” what should that look like during your teaching time?

               4.  What did Jesus have to do, just like we do, to prepare to be a good teacher?

               5.  According to Luke 4:14, what made Jesus’ teaching far exceed the teachings of the Pharisees and

               6.  What made Jesus’ teaching unique?

               7.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                          Activity:  When you teach others, do you consider yourself creative?  Do you pretty much
                          take the same approach over and over or do you vary your teaching style?  Would your
                          students consider you an interesting, exciting teacher, or just the opposite: boring?  What
                          can you do differently in the future that would enhance your teaching style?

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