Page 96 - Discipleship Ministries Student E-Book
P. 96

He will need to replace some of his friends with new friends who are believers in Christ.  What better
               place to do this than in a Bible-believing church?

               Take time to share what to look for in a good church.  Being faithful in attending a Bible-believing, Bible
               preaching church is one of the best habits a young Christian can practice.  There he/she will find other
               Christians who have been walking with the Lord longer than they.  There they can observe the ways they
               walk with the Lord and listen to how they talk and what they talk about.  This is a great environment in
               which to learn to grow as a Christian.

               WHAT TO EXPECT “AT CHURCH”
               The worship service is the greatest blessing a community can have.  It is not possible to exaggerate its
               importance! Therefore, it is incumbent on those who conduct it to make it the most helpful and
               interesting and beautiful that it is possible to make it.

                   ---One hour should be long enough for most services….20 minutes for congregational singing…20
                   minutes for the sermon….and 20 minutes for prayers, offering, and announcements.

                   ---The two most important features are Congregational Singing and Instruction in God’s Word!

                   ---Congregational Singing: Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs … “Speaking to yourselves
                   in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;”
                   (Eph. 5:19 and Col. 3:16).  Sing at least one Psalm in a service.  Hymns should be a major focus in the
                   singing on a Sunday morning.  If contemporary songs are used they should be of superior
                   quality….be Scriptural…be easy to sing…use words that teach doctrine.  They should not use inane
                   repetitious phrases…should not have an over-powering beat.

                   ----The Pastoral Prayer….for the needs of the church, the needs of our missionaries on the various
                   fields of the world…for the sick, suffering, and bereaved, and the various ministries of the church.

                    ---The Instruction in God’s Word…a reading of Scripture covering the setting and the text of
                        the message.

               Helping your disciple develop relationships with lost people.

               Your goal as a discipler is to make disciples of all nations, so that they can in turn disciple others.  God
               wants every person to come to repentance.  Your disciple need to know how to share his faith with the
               lost he encounters along the pathway of his life.

               Winning Someone to Christ

               Matthew 28:19-20;  Daniel 12:3;  Acts 1:8

                   34  Excerpted from Halley’s Handbook

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