Page 17 - Pastoral Epistles student textbook
P. 17

The pastor said that if I was not giving 10% of my GROSS income to the church, I was robbing God.  He
                told me that the “storehouse” in verse 10 is the church in the New Testament (and specifically the
                church that I was attending at the time).

                As I studied this passage, I found out that my pastor was lying about several things in this passage.
                First, the storehouse was a building in Jerusalem, not the church.  And the tithe under the Mosaic law
                was actually three tithes of only the animals and the crops that were raised, resulting in 23.3% of an
                Israelite’s crops and herds, but nothing else.  Sometimes pastors can use passages out of context to
                prove their point, and in doing so are lying to their congregation.

                I hope you never do that!

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