Page 74 - Pastoral Epistles student textbook
P. 74

Study Section 11:   2 Timothy 1 – A Call to Holy Living

                 11.1 Connect

                            Holiness is one of the themes that’s so prevalent all throughout the word of God. We’re
                            commanded by God to be holy (1 Peter 1:16). Moreover, holiness is such a critical matter;
                            therefore, nobody will be able to see the Lord without it according to (Hebrews 12:14).
                            Holiness is one of the major things that the death of Jesus on the cross by shedding His
                            blood has made it possible for us to attain (Hebrews 13:12). Evidently, holiness is not
                based on what we’ve done by our own merit; instead, it’s completely dependent on what Christ has
                done for us and is willing to do through us. Therefore, let’s take a look at this scripture below:

                For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life (1 Thessalonians 4:7).

                Holiness finds itself within Sanctification which is a lifelong process that every believer must go
                through by the power of the Holy Spirit. Sanctification is defined as “to set apart” for special use or
                purpose. According to the bible sanctification also means a state of separation from anything sinful
                contrary to scripture unto God. This is the exact process through which we glorify God by how we live
                by taking on the characteristics of Christ that is based wholly on bringing God glory.

                The fact that we willingly choose to accept Christ as our personal savior by honestly acknowledging
                our sinfulness to God must become the very reason why we should live our lives according to what’s
                prescribed in the word of God. Our job is to please God in everything we’re doing. Truthfully, if we
                didn’t believe that there was something wrong with how we used to live prior to being saved, then
                there was no reason for us to come to Christ in the first place. (

                 We are all called to be Holy.  Let’s see what that would look like if we truly practiced it in our lives…

                 11.2 Objectives

                          1.  The student should be able to describe the importance of faith and prayer in the life of
                          the believer.

                          2.  The student should be able to describe the spiritual gifts which are given when a person
                receives Christ as Savior.

                3.  The student should be able to share how a person is guaranteed to suffer for Christ if he is serious
                about his faith.

                 11.3     2 Timothy 1
                           It is not possible to determine with any certainty from Luke’s account when Paul’s first
                           letter to Timothy was written. But I am sure that after that time Paul did have further
                           personal contact with Timothy, and it may be, if we follow the generally accepted view,
                           that Paul took him as his companion and assistant to many places. However, it is easy to
                           conclude that Timothy was still in Ephesus when this second letter was written to him, as,
                           toward the end of the letter, Paul sends greetings to Priscilla and Aquila and Onesiphorus.

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