Page 80 - Pastoral Epistles student textbook
P. 80

11.4 Let’s Practice…

                         1. What is the 80/20 principle?

                         2-4.  What are the three books and chapters in the Bible that tell us about spiritual gifts?

                5-8.  Write out the four things we must understand to join Christ in suffering:

                9.  What does it mean to live a holy life?

                10.  How do we “guard the deposit” that was entrusted to us?

                11.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson…

                          Activity:  In this lesson we discovered that we are called to live a holy life.  Holy means
                          separated from sin or the culture of the world.  God is holy and in Him is no darkness at all!
                          In I Peter 1, God tells every believer that he is to be HOLY just as God is Holy.  What do you
                          think your life would look like if you were truly HOLY?  Describe it here:

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