Page 98 - Pastoral Epistles student textbook
P. 98
What if the government is against Christianity as in the Roman Empire? Romans 13.
Christians are not above the law. We are to live our lives as an example to the people around us
by obeying the government and their laws is of primary importance. We must do all we can do
to be good citizens.
If we have tasted God’s grace at the cross, we are a changed person. There is simply no way that
we can receive God’s gift of eternal life and have our sins forgiven by the blood of Christ and go on
living as we formerly lived.
But, at the same time, there are powerful forces at work to cause us to revert to our old ways.
In this passage from Titus 3:1-8, Paul speaks as a kind father in the faith, giving Titus and the believers
in Crete some gracious reminders of how God has laid hold of their lives.
Remember how we should act toward others in this ungodly world.
We are subject to government rulers and authorities.
We should be obedient and ready for every good deed.
We should be peaceful and gentle and be considerate of others.
And remember – at one time we were ungodly just like them.
We were foolish and disobedient and deceived.
We gave in to lusts and pleasures and lived with envy.
And then what happened? God gave us His underserved kindness.
All of us should be able to look back over our lives every six months or so
and do a spiritual evaluation. We should be able to review that we have
overcome some sin and/or rejoice that we are adding a spiritual discipline to
our life now – that was not a part of life previously. All of us should be able to
identify ongoing changes in our life – not just immediate changes that take
place at the time of your spiritual rebirth.
If we received mercy when we deserved judgment then we should show God’s kindness, love and
mercy to unbelievers who do not deserve it.
Is this easy or difficult? What are some of the times or situations that you personally have difficulty
with forgiving another person?
Paul tells Titus not to get involved in meaningless controversies and theological
speculation and to deal with disruptive people who promote such ideas in the
church. Paul’s words are meaningless unless there is such a thing as knowable,
absolute spiritual truth. Because the gospel is true, and it is the responsibility of the
leaders in the church to maintain that truth by dealing with those who try to destroy
it. Paul is saying, to maintain the truth of the gospel, church leaders must deal
properly with disruptive and quarrelsome people.
At all costs – the church is to maintain the truth of the gospel.
Speculations about matters that do not lead to godliness and good deeds are unprofitable and
worthless. We want to keep our focus on the truth of the gospel that changes lives.
For a few moments, erase from your mind the past 1,900 years of church history. Go back to the first
century. Rome ruled the world. If you were to ask for a list of the prominent religions of the world,
Christianity would not even be on the list. Maybe it would be listed as a minor offshoot of Judaism –