Page 7 - Pentateuch - Student Textbook
P. 7

into his image. As we have experienced his mercy, so expressing this mercy to others becomes a part of
               his perfection in us (5:48).

               Hopefully these introductory matters will be deepened and confirmed as we turn in more detail to the
               pages of the Pentateuch. In this survey we will not be able to cover all issues, but we hope to see God’s
               overall plan. We hope also to grow in the process as God’s word lodges more deeply in our hearts, and
               the Spirit uses even this new knowledge to draw us to our Lord.

               1.4 Let’s Practice….

                       1. Write down one verse that claim inspiration for the Pentateuch.

                       2. Who wrote the Pentateuch?

               3. What is the approximate date for the writing of the Pentateuch?

               4. Where in the Pentateuch do we find verses about the Messiah?

               5. What are the three divisions of the Old Testament?

               6. What are the five uses of the law given in this lesson?

               1.5 Let’s Personalize this Lesson….

                         Review your own beliefs about the law. Can a Christian follow the law with the help of the
                         Holy Spirit? What have your pastors, teachers, family, and friends believed and taught about
                         the law? Do you feel that God is pleased with you when you follow the law and displeased
                         when you don’t? Are there specific laws that your church has insisted people follow? What
                         parts of the law has your church tended to overlook as unnecessary for the Christian life?

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