Page 85 - Pentateuch - Student Textbook
P. 85

Study Section 11:  Pentateuch Part IV:
                          The Day of Atonement and Sabbath Rest: Leviticus 16-17, 23-27

               11.1 Connect

                         We are rearranging Leviticus for the purpose of study. Having already looked at
                         clean/unclean and holy/common, we now turn to God’s laws communicating salvation and
                         forgiveness of sin and trust in him.

                         The Day of Atonement (Ch. 16) provided a more general remedy for uncleanness and more
                         serious sins. We are reminded again of recent events. “The LORD spoke to Moses after the
               death of the two sons of Aaron who died when they approached the LORD (16:1).” If they were in
               danger for activities done improperly in the tabernacle, how much more serious are infractions
               committed while in the holy of holies! Chapter 16 focuses on the Most Holy Place (vv. 2, 3, 16, 17, 20,
               23, 27, 33) and the atonement cover (vv. 2, 13, 14, 15) as well as the more general “before the Lord” (vv.
               7, 10, 12, 13, 18, 30). The Day of Atonement is the most important day in the calendar, the only day of
               the year when the high priest enters the Most Holy Place, the dwelling place of God on earth.

               References to the Sabbath have been sprinkled throughout the Pentateuch. The first was in Genesis 2:2,
               3 when God rested after creating the world. The seventh day rest is the pinnacle of all God’s work. Little
               is found until the exodus of Israel. The people were not to collect manna on the Sabbath (Ex. 16:23-29).
               This practical demonstration of God’s purpose for the Sabbath was put into law at Mount Sinai in the
               longest of the Ten Commandments (Ex. 20:8-11; 31:13-17; 35:2, 3). Mention is made of the seventh day
               and the seventh year of rest without great detail (Ex. 23:10-12). No connection is made between the
               Sabbath and the three annual festivals (Ex. 23:14-19). Moses ends Leviticus with a thorough explanation
               of God’s rest for his people. Rest in Yahweh is supremely important.

               11.2 Objectives

                     1. You will become familiar with the concept of atonement.

                      2. You will connect the Day of Atonement with the death of Christ.

                3. You will understand the universal desire for forgiveness.

               4. You will become familiar with the laws about the sabbath day, year, and Jubilee.

               5. You will realize the impossibility of obeying the Sabbath laws literally.

               6. You will be introduced to special vows and their connection to resting in God.

                11.3 The Day of Atonement and Sabbath Rest

                         On this day different clothes were worn by the high priest. His appearance is simple. Aaron is
                         required to sacrifice a bull for himself first. This sacrifice is distinct from those carried out at

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